El Dorado News-Times

Winning Essay Who’s your hero?


When many people think of heroes, they think of Spider Man, Batman, or even Wonder Woman, but my hero is more powerful than any famous superhero. He may not have a uniform with a spider or bat, he may not have any cool gadgets, but he does have a very special place in my heart. My hero is my stepdad. At my age some kids might not know what it is like to have a dad. I guess I am extremely lucky. God has blessed me with a very loving person whom I can call my dad. He buys me things I need, he is never mean or angry, he takes me different places, and he works really hard to make sure I have a nice place to live. Over the years I thought about me not having a dad, but I realized that I never needed my real dad to show me love and compassion. All I needed was someone to be there for me when it was just me amd my mom. My stepdad goes to other states to work, even though he really

doesn’t want to, he does it so that we can have food, lights, water, air conditioni­ng, and a roof over our hears. when I get in trouble, he doesnt discipline me like most parents. He only tells me what I did wrong and informs me of how to fix it. I haven’t been the model child over the years. My grades are sometimes slacking, but he encourages me to work hard and bring them up. I’m so lucky I have a father to call my own and have a father to love me and treat me like a responsibl­e adult. I love you, Dad! Thanks for being my hero. Avery Anderson Mrs. Pratt, Junction City High School

When people think of heroes, they probably think about Batman, Flash, Superman, Wonder Woman, etc., but my hero is much stronger than any other. My hero is loving and generous. My hero is my mom. I see others without a mother, or I see ones that abuse or neglect their children. I am gracious that I have an amazing mom who loves me with all her heart. When I was younger, my mother went to college to get an LPN license. She wanted to be able to support my brother and me and make our lives better. She worked two jobs just for us to have clothes on our backs and to support our needs. She strived and did her best. When she met my current step-dad, she dated him for years because she was being cautious for her children, even though she truly loved him. She always put her kids first. When our biological dad wanted custody of us, she fought her hardest and did what she had to do. When she won custody, she looked at me and said,” I love you and it’ll be ok,” and smiled. She went back to college while my stepdad took care of my brother and me. She wanted to give us the life she never had. She got her RN license and still works hard for me and our family. She always asks me how am I doing. Every day she also says she loves me and shows me her smile, a smile that lights up the room, and assures me everything is the way it should be. Maybe she doesn’t have any superhuman powers, cool gadgets, or a mansion, but she is and always shall be the hero in my eyes and my heart. That is my mom. Olivia Creager Melissa Pratt, Junction City High School

For as long as I remember I have had one hero, my papaw, Jim. He has always been the one person I looked forward to seeing over summer breaks and holidays. He has always been there for me and here’s why he’s my hero.

First, Papaw is my hero because he helps others whenever he can. Papaw helps us in every way possible. Whether it’s taking me to a dance competitio­n or fixing a fallen fence, Papaw is always there to help and pick us up when we fall. Most days he is helping Ahbob, his wife’s mom, at home or around town becausae she is elderly and can’t see. When Mrs. Terrye is at work, Papaw is working around the house cleaning, doing yard work, and cooking dinner most nights. He is always willing to volunteer at our chuch and at my Aunt Tanya’s flower shop as a delivery man on a busy Day.

While that is all amazing, a big part of why my papaw is my hero is because he is a very strong and loving person. Before I was born, he went through a lot. He lost my mamaw to Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. It had to be hard, losing his wife, but he went on. He later married Mrs. Terrye, who we call grandma. When they got married, Papaw took in her grandchild­ren and children and loved them as his own. He is also the first to volunteer to watch us if my parents need to do something. His arms and home are always open for any of the grandkids, or kids, to come to in a time of need.

Jim Stinson is my only living biological grandparen­t and my hero. He will always hold that title in my eyes, and if I grow into half as good a person as him, I will be happy. Stinson Battisto Mrs. Taylor, Parkers Chapel Middle School

“Heroes represent the best of ourselves, respecting that we are human beings. A hero can be anyone from Gandhi to your classroom teacher, anyone who can show courage when faced with a proble. A hero is someone who is willing to help others in his or her best capacity,” said Ricky Martin. My hero is my grandfathe­r.

My grandfathe­r, or Papaw, is a very caring, smart, determined, and courageous man. I want to follow in his footsteps and become a man just like him. Every summer, my sister and I spend a week with him and our grandmothe­r. During that week, I feel like I learn more from him than I did in school for the last three weeks. We swim, cook, play games, and just have a really good time.

Aside from that, he runs his own constructi­on company in Springdale which makes him a very good leader. He’s also not afraid to help someone out. He’s the guy you see helping someone fix their car on the side of the road or giving someone a hand with their groceries on the way to the car. He’s a very caring person and, I admire him for that.

Another reason I would consider him my hero is that he is a family man. He loves to spend time with his family. Every Christmas, Easter, Thansgivin­g, and family reunion you can count on him to be there. He never misses a chance to spend time with us which is why we spend a week in the summer with him.

That is why I call my grandfathe­r my hero. Now who is your hero? Think about it, just like what Ricky Martin said, it could some as famous as Gandhi or someone as ordinary as your classroom teacher. Kayden Clawson Mrs. Taylor, Parkers Chapel Middle School

What is a hero? Well if you look up the meaning of hero in the dictionary, it is defined as a person, who in opinion of others, has special achievemen­ts, abilities, or personal qualities and is regarded as a role model or ideal. It is also known as a person noted for courageous acts or nobility of chracter. With that being said, my dad is my hero.

My dad is my hero because he is caring, smart, determined, courteous, can bring out the best in people. I want to follow in my dad’s footsteps to the best of my abilities which will be hard because if you ask anyone who has met my dad, they will say he is hardworkin­g, determined, and will get the job done at the end of the day if it needs to be done.

Some achievemen­ts that my dad has been known for is when my dad’s crew for pipeline need him he will be there for his crew. If the crew needs him bad, he won’t mind pulling a 24 hour shift. My dad is loyal to his crew and brings the best out of them so they can get the work done quicker. One of my dad’s other achievemen­ts is if my dad sees there is a person in need or homeless he will never short change them. He will give them enough money to get some food or if there family needs groceries he will give enough for their groceries. My dad is caring to people he knows and doesn’t know.

This is why my dad is my hero. He is caring, smart, determined, courteous, and can bring out the best in people. Who is your hero? Peter Cogburn Mrs. Taylor, Parkers Chapel Middle School

My hero is my mom. I picked her as my hero because she is always looking out for me, and knows how to get me out of whatever I’m into. My mom has saved me plenty of times for me to call her my hero. She has saved me from my dog when he bit my face. She ripped off the dop, and she kicked it outside. She didn’t want to hurt the dog, and she just did that because she was just protecting me.

She also helps me with my grades. If I didn’t have her, boy I would in trouble. She loves me, and I love her. I think she is the best in the world even though she can be a little sassy, but I still love her. She is the world to me, and I would never know what to do without her. There was this one time where she was riding on the back of a four wheeler and a bug flew into her throat and she started cough. They thought it was the funniest thing in the world. I didn’t, I told them to stop and helped her.

My mom and me, are like perfect. She looks out for me and I look out for her. I love my beautiful, hardworkin­g, loving, mother. I wanted my dad to be my hero, but he didn’t save me from all that bad stuff, so wanted to add. My mom is the best. I love her and care about her as much as she does me. So, I have one question to ask you the readers. Who is your Hero? Brayden Grewen Mrs. Taylor, Parkers Chapel Middle School

My hero is my dad. My mom has a big impact on my life as well, and I love you. But my dad is the funniest and smartest person I know when it

comes to cars and grilling, not much when it comes to books or history, but I love him.

If I need something he is there to get it, if I was sick he would take care of me no matter how whiny I was. If I need help with a project school help would aslo help me, and same with my mom, and I lover very much too.

He taught me so many things. He was the first person to take me fishing, and I caught my first fish with him by my side, and I’ll never forget that day, the greatest day of my life. He also taught me how to play golf. I remember the time my dad tolk me golfing with him. Him, his friends Sam and Gen, and I went to the golf course in Monroe, and I believe that is where it was. Ididn’t gold, but I did drive the golf cart, and sometimes he would let me putt one in if he was on the green.

He was not around as much from the time I was ten years old around December. It’s not that my parents divorced it’s that he works everywhere around The United States. The main reason he is my hero is because he travels everywhere, not seeing us much, to make money for our family to give us a house, warm beds, and food on our plates. He takes really good care of us, and same with my mom, and I hope to repay the favor to my dad and mom one day.

These are the reasons why my dad is my hero and always will be. Will Richey Mrs. Taylor, Parkers Chapel Middle School

My hero would be my dad. The reason why I picked my dad is because has taught me all the things I know like how to fish. When I was about seven years old, my dad took me out bass fishing, and the first time he taught me how to tie a hook to with fishing line and how to work any bait through the water, and I caught my first bass that day. It weighed 2.5 lbs.

Another reason I picked my dad as my hero is because he has taught me how to cook. He has helped me cook duck wraps which is bacon wrapped duck breast that has been stuffed with Philadelph­ia cream cheese and peppers in the center. YUM. Then I put about 6 or 7 on a shish kabob and let them grill for an hour or so. He also taught me how to cook fish. Or I have to make cornmeal, put it in a bag with the fish, shake it, then take the batterfish and put it in the deep fire. you can also cook some fries or tater tots to go with them.

The main reason I picked my dad as my hero is because he showed me how to make money, and that’s why I used to sale cokes and gummy worms at school. I made $126 off selling coke and gummy worms. That’s why I want to work at Lion Oil because I would make about $25 an hour. Timothy Turbeville Mrs. Taylor, Parkers Chapel Middle School

My hero is my mom. She has always been there for me when I need her. Like when I was sick she rushed me to the ER, and when the doctor said to take me to Little Rock. She took me to every single appointmen­t and sat with me in the room waiting on the doctor to come in to draw my blood in three tubes and now I have scar tissing. AND She buys me stuff like a new basketball. And takes me places even when she doesn’t to. But to. When I work for my dad’s friend, my mom took me to work every day after school and came to pick me up at 6:30. So I would give her gas money like $20.00 or $25.oo because she would have to take me and my sister to school in Parkers Chapel and then go to Strong and then go to Huttig then come get us from school. And take me to work and then go home that would be around 6:30 when she got home and then come get me at 6:30. We had horses at my dad’s house and my mom’s hourse and we didn’t have place to put them. So we cut all the trees down and left a few but it took us a month or two just to complete it and we went to get the horses from my dad’s house. And I wouldn’t be here right now if it wasn’t for her because when I was in the ER at Little Rock”,” I had a reaction to my medication they gave me and I almost died. It is very possible that I could have. Well I guess I’m saying I couldn’t do the stuff I do without my mom. Brantley Jerry Mrs. Taylor, Parkers Chapel Middle School

Michael Clifford is my hero. He is in the band 5 Seconds of Summer. The reason he is my hero is everything from his personalit­y to his career.

I don’t know his personalit­y personally because I’ve never met him, but the way he acts in interviews and what he says is what I’m going off of. He’s personalit­y is very bubbly. He’s always qucik to answer questions when the interviewe­r asks them. The way he answers the questions is funny, too. He’ll use some sarcasm, jokes, and after everything, he’ll get serious and actually answer the question.

Although I love his personalit­y, his career is the main reason he is my hero. He is the lead guitarist in 5 Seconds of Summer (5sos). The reason this makes him so great to me is simple because they’re my absolute favorite band, and I want to be a guitarist when I get older. It’s not only the guitar skills though. He also has an incredible voice, and that’s another part of what I would like to do. I love to sing, and the fact that his voice so pretty makes me love it even more. His lyrical writing is something else great about him, but the biggest part of all of this is that he started when he was so young. He was about 15 when he started to post song covers on YouTube. His confidence and talent got him where he is today and I admire that. It makes me feel like I can do anything, even though I am only 14.

In conclusion, I know that making a career in music is haard and there aren’t many people who can do it, but Michael gives me hompe that it can happen. Music plays a very big roll in my life and doing it as a career would be a dream come true. Lexi Goodwin Mrs. Taylor, Parkers Chapel Middle School

My hero would have to be my older brother, Cyle. He’s not fully related to me. He is my half brother, but since we are so close we just call each other brother. He is married now, and has a baby on the way. He’s got a pretty god job, but he used to be unemployed. He would either get fired or just laid off. Most of the stuff he got fired for wasn’t really his fault though. His first job was at Amercable. He got fired because of his mouth. His mouth got him in trouble one day after he got hurt trying to lift something heavy. He was supposed to have help, but the guys that were supposed to be helping him were just sitting there laughing at him So he got really mad and the next day when everybody was talkning about what happened to him, he let them have it. He didn’t fist fight anybody, but he let his mouth get to him. This is the reason why he got fired, but he never gave up. He had to deal with the same things with his other jobs, but he fought through it, and now he has a pretty good job. He has shown me that no matter what gets in my way in life, just keep fighting, and eventually you will reach your goal. That is part of the reason why he is my hero my hero.

Cyle has always had my back. I remember when I got my first detention slip in the fifth grade. I was so scared of what my parents were going to say to me when I told them that they had to sign my detention ship, but Cyle told me that he would sign it, but I can’t get another one of these for the rest of the year. So he signed it, and I only had two more for the rest of the year. He is the best brother ever. Which is why he is my hero. Blake Caldwell Mrs. Taylor, Parkers Chapel Middle School

I have few people who can fill this ideo of “Hero” for me, it’s my big sister, Haley.

Haley is my only sister, but technicall­y she is my half-sister, but I don’t treat her any differentl­y. She is smart, bold, practical, and amazing. She is so nice, and her beauty is one the insdie and out. She is always thinking outside the box, and she always has the best ideas.

Haley is currently in Dallas, Texas in cosmetolog­y school at Toni And Guy. She has always wanted to be a cosmetolog­ist, and I am so proud of her for not giving up on that dream and for turning it into her reality. She has laways inspired me and I don’t know how she does it either.

Haley is a very devoted person, and when she has her mind set, it will stay set until whatever she is doing is accomplish­ed. I know that following through with her career choise can be difficult, but she maid it seem like a breeze even though it’s not. I noticeed that Haley is always smiling, and it seems that she is laughing at the bad, and it just disappears. It’s like her superpower, and I wish I had it. She is always there for me even though we are about five hours apart.

Haley is just the best in my eyes and I love her so much. Haley used to tell me, “Don’t call it a dream, call it a plan,” when I was younger. I know I couldn’t have asked for a better big sister. Hannah Brotherton Mrs. Taylor, Parkers Chapel Middle School

Whether they know it or not, every person has a hero. And I don’t exactly mean the hero’s that fly in the sky, fight villains, and save the city. In the dicitonary, her is identified as, “A person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstandin­g achievemen­ts, or noble qualities.” Therefore, anyone can be a hero.

My hero is fictional. Weird huh? To have a hero that’s not even real. Well to me they can have just a big of impact on someon’s life as any living huam. The name of my hero is Homura Akemi. She’s from the series “Madoka Magica.” Her story begins when she falls in love with her best friend, Madoka Kaname. You see in the show, there are five girls protecting Japan from witches. And Homura figured out about theses girls when she was attacked by witch and it brainwashe­d her almost into suicide. Madoka saved her and defeated the witch. But later into the series, a Witch came into the work, and Modka was the only Magical girl that hadn’t been killed. Even though Madoka Knew she would die, she still fought. And that was her fate. Homura stated she would do anyting to always protect Madoka. So her wish was granted and Homura because a Magical girl. Homura had the power to posses time. So she created another time line to be with Madoka. But Madoka died in that one also. She created so many timelines to be with Modoka. But again and again she watch her best friend die each time. What she is doing won’t work though, Homura knows that no matter what risk she’ll take to be with her, Madoka will always perish.

This is why Homura is my hero. It’s aboslutely beautiful, knowing she’ll never quit fighting to be with the one she cares about the most. Savannah Barnes Mrs. Taylor, Parkers Chapel Middle School

My hero is my mom Kimberly Welch, and she is the best funniest person I know. She has always been there for me, from small child to teenager. She has always tried to make me happy, and she has always made made me feel better when I was sad.

My mom has always been there for me when I was little, and I didn’t have “a” dad so raising me wasn’t easy and when my papaw got sick, we had to move in with him, and he was fatherly figure for a long time until he passd away. then I had to help out my mom even though I was sad. My mom could tell I was very upset, so every time she could get a break from work she would come and check on e and my little sisters and buy us little goodie. Before my papaw died, my mom dated this guy named Chad, and Chad was awesome. He would play Xbox with me, and he gave me his old video games and it was the best. Soon after papaw had passed away we moved in with Chad.

About two years later Chad proposed to mom on Christmas morning, and few moths later they were offically married, and I gave mom away. Now we all live together: me, my mom, and all my little sibilings, and we are all happy. Mom may not be perfect to everyone else, but she is perfect to me, and I love her very much. Adrian Martinez Mrs. Taylor, Parkers Chapel Middle School

Who’s my hero? My hero is a guy who can stand up for others, a guy who can change someone’s mood who is down to happy. My hero is a man who sees someone in a need and helps their need. My hero is my grandfathe­r.

My grandfathe­r is a man who stands up for others. He is just a guy who is able to do a lot of things most men cannot do. If I was having trouble with something or someone, he wouldhelp anyway possible. If he saw someone in need for money or food, he’s the man that would do that. I try to make myself like my grandfathe­r in anyway possible. For example, if I see a person in need for some money, I hand them all the cash I have, or of they need food, I either buy them food or bring them food. ” I try to help anyone and everyone but i’s human and I don’t have all the money in the world,” he once told me. I am trying to live up to that, and I don’t plan on not living up to it.

My grandfathe­r is the type of man that makes anyone laugh. He’s just got that funny attitude. e can make a joke out of almost anything. But that can come with bad things and he could use it in the wrong time, but he’s smart enough to know when and where to

use his little gift. As I said, I’m modeling myself after him, but every once in awhile I would make a joke in the wrong place or in the wrong time.

My grandfathe­r is a very wise man. He gives me advice on life and how I should do this or do that whenever I go to see him. I take that advice and use it and most of the time works. He has short cuts for a lot of stuff like sports and life. I get my love for sports from him because if I didn’t have him I wouldn’t be in any sports.

So in conclusion, I love my grandfathe­r very much and I hope as I grow older as he does he keeps giving my advice about life, love, and sports. Joshua Nussey Mrs. Taylor, Parkers Chapel Middle School

Everyone has a hero, believe it or not. WHen people are asked who their hero is, they often say someone on television because they’re famous. Well not me. My hero is special, and very important to me. My hero is Myesha Montgomery, my mother.

Myesha Montgomery is my hero because she encourages me. She not only encourages me, buut everyone. A time she encouraged me was when I wasseven years old and I was scared to ride a bike. My mother told me, “everything will be alright, and if you fail get back up and try again.” I was really glad that she told me that because I did fail, but I took her advice and I got back up and I tried again. after I succeded she said, “You did a great job I knew you could do it.” That really helped me alot, and it boosted my confidence a lot. That is a time my mother encourged me, and that is one of the reasons why she is my hero.

She is also my hero because she is very kind to other people. Myesha is always willing to help other people who are in need. Whenever she see’s someone who is homeless she will ask them where are they going or if they need a ride. She often donates money to the homeless when she has the money, so they can go and grab a bite to eat. You will never have to pretend you are someone you’re not around her, because she won’t judge you. When you are down and you feel like no one cares, she will be there to lift you up and make you smile.

In conclusion, Myesha Montgomery encourages people, and she is kind to others, and that is what it takes to be a hero. She may not be an actual hero with superpower­s, but she is what you call a role model. Myesha Montgomery will forever be my hero. That’s who my hero is. Darnarius Aaron Mrs. Taylor, Parkers Chapel Middle School

Who is my hero you ask? My hero would have to be my mom. She is amazing and she’s the best mom I could ever have!

Even though she can get on my nerves, I love her so much. I can be my awkward, goofy self around her and she loves me for that. When she is off work and I’m out of school, we can go up town to shop, eat, or just mess around. i love hanging out with hereven if it means getting into trouble every now amd then. We are able to be giggle boxes about almost everything. All in all, I love my mom unconditio­nally.

Here lately she has been going through some tough times with losing her job to another company, and she has been really sad. Even though she could burst into tears, she has stayed strong for herself and for all of her other friends at work that lost their jobs. I have looked up to her a lot about that here recently. She has been looking for a job and she has kept her head up even when she got an interview and one of her closest friends got the job. My mom tries to keep a smile on her face, and I look up to her because of that.

In conclusion, my mom is the best hero that I can think of. I love her so very much and I look up to her a lot. She is the best mom I could ever ask for in my entire life. Taylor Greer Mrs. Taylor, Parkers Chapel Middle School

Who is my hero? Well I think if anyone was my hero it’d have to be my mom. My mom is my hero because of her actions and personalit­y. My mom is the type of person to put others before herself. She shows kindness to everyone or at least tries. I have never seen my mother be rude to someoone who didn’t deserve it.

She’s demanding, but yet is self conscious to what she says and how it’s being said. Mom is not scared to tell someone how something needs to be done, but also doesn’t come off rude.

She takes everyone into considerat­ion when in a crisis. Also, my mom is strong and very independen­t. She always takes care of her family.

She’s not scared to stand up for what she believes in. She does not discrimina­te. Mom is Christian and beleives everyone has the same rights.

She’s there for me always, and has never left my side. She makes sure I know that she loves me. She constantly reminds me about how “smart” I am. She is a very kind women.

Even when everyone doubts, she still has my side, yet she does not give me false hope. My mom is not scared to tell me if I am doing bad and what I need to do to fix it.

My mom is a very respectabl­e women. She’s caring, loving, smart, beautiful, considerat­e, and so much more. I know she may not be perfect, but she is my mom, and my mom is amazing.

So when you ask me, “Who is my hero?” I will alsways respond with my mother. Gracie Law Mrs. Taylor, Parkers Chapel Middle School

My hero is my dad. My dad has been my best friend ever since I was a little giorl. We’ve spent hours and hours together on softball tournament­s, trips, and practices. I will always say he is my hero.

My whole life he has been my best firend. We do everything together. On Easter, we dye easter eggs together. We play together. I remember once when I was little, I was at preschool and there was a cake at school that day, and I got in trouble because I licked the icing off before ot was time to eat it. When he came and icked me up, the teachers told him what had happened, and he acted mad. But when we left, he laughed and told me he would have done the same thing, too. He acts more like a friend than a dad sometimes, which can be a good thing.

We have spent so much time together at softball tournament­s and on trips. We practice almost everyday for at least an hour. I wish I knew how many balls he has thrown to me, and how many houts we’ve spent in the cage. He takes me to all of my tournament­s. We’ve stayed in tons and tons of hotel rooms together, and we’ve always been there for each other. He is my dad, coach, and my friend.

My dad and I have a bond that nobody could ever break. I look up to him, and he is mo rolemodel. My hero. Drue Thomas Mrs. Taylor, Parkers Chapel Middle School

A lot of people put their monthers or their fathers as their heros. Well I am one of those people. My hero is my mom. She just understand­s more than most people can. I know this sounds really cheesy, but it’s true.

My mother is someone I tell mostly everything to. We are very close. My mother is someone I would do anything for. She is the type of mother that you can laugh with, but you are not disrespect­ful to. She is my mother, and she doesn’t try to be my best fried. If she tried to be, I probably wouldn’t be the same person I am now.

Even though I get mad at her, I still ove her. She also cares what I do. She won’t let me just do whatever I want. She cares what grades I make. she gives more than enough chances to me. I am glad she cares about me. she always tells me to study or do my homework. It is annoying, but she does it for me.

My mom knows when I am hiding something. Somehow she always figures it out. When my sister and I fight, she always takes up for my sister. It is probably because she is 5 years old. I still don’t like it. I still love her though.

My hero is my mother. that is why I love her and why she is my hero. My mother is honestly my favorite person. She is always there for me. Kaira Matthews, 13 Mrs. Taylor, Parkers Chapel Middle School

My hero is my mother because she’s is always there when i need her. She is also the one who brought me into this world. Without her I wouldn’t be alive. My mother has always been there for me no matter what. She has taught he everything I know. One thing about my mother is that she never gives up and she taught me to do the same. She also teaches me things about life like life lessons so I can be prepared. She always looks out for me and tells me things i shouldn’t do or get involved in. she is also my hero because she does anything in her power to make me happy. She won’t let something little become something big. She is the type of women to look to help other people even when she is doing something. That makes me happy because it shows me how much she cares about others and that she isn’t stuck up and just cares about herself. The most important thing that makes her my hero is she would take time out of her day to come check on me somewhere or bring me something when I forgot it. She always keeps a birght smile on her face. She would even buy my girlfriend­s something or take me to and her places. All in all, she is just an amazing women. The biggest thing is she is always providing food for me and a place to sleep. She also teaches me that I have to be patient in order to find or do things in this world. Sometimes me and her would sit down and talk or we would just drive out of town and crack jokes on the way. Me and my mother have a special bond that we both enjoy. Ketrick Bland, 14 Mrs. Taylor, Parkers Chapel Middle School •••

My hero is my pop pop, Charlie Williams. I’ve always looked up to my pop pop for answers. The reason why he is my hero is because he has great athletic ability, he is a good carpenter, and he helps me in tough situations.

When I grow up, I want to have my grandfathe­rs athletic ability. The only thing i don’t want from is his height. I don’t want to be short, but I do want to be fast and agile like he is. My pop pop is 62 and moves like 22 year old with arthritis, I’ve played my grandpa many times in basketball, and I haven’t won a single time. I’ve come very close though. I also want to be able to carpent as good as him. When I want to make something, I always have to have him do half of the work because I am not near as skilled as he is at carpenteri­ng. he can make a lot of things. the shop he has he designed it on his own and he also built his house” with help of course,” but it’s still impressive. the he designed that too. And finally he also helps me in tough situations like when I am having trouble with school work or if I get out of line, he will bump be back in and help me continue along the way.

That’s why my pop pop is my hero. he helps me through tough things. He is an inspiring athlete, and he is a hard worker. Edison Thompson, 14 Mrs. Taylor, Parkers Chapel Middle School

God is my hero because one day my dad, my grandma, papaw, my cousins, and I were on the lake one summer. It was about 5 years ago when I was little. We got to Lake Greeson probably about 10:00 that morning. We were having fun tubing, fishing, and mostly swimming. We parked the boat on a island and ate lunch. After that we went swimming again. It was about 3:00 in the afternoon and we looked up at the skies, and they were getting dark. I We were so far away from where our truck was parked. We though that the weather would just pass through and not hit us. So we were having fun fishing and swimming, and suddenly I felt a raindrop. After that It started pouring like cats and dogs. The rain felt like we were getting hit with rocks. On top of all that it was cold. We all had towels over us trying to keep us dry. The boat was rocking back in forth because of the waves and wind. I remember seeing the trees moving. I didn’t know what was going on. But I started paying to God that we will get out of the storm and everything will be okay. I looked out from under the towel and I saw that the rain stopped and that the sun came out. I was thinking wow after I prayed the storm quit. From that day when I was a child, I knew God was powerful. Katie Slater, 14 Mrs. Taylor, Parkers Chapel Middle School

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