El Dorado News-Times

Environmen­tal protection in the age of Trump

- Kevin Lynn is the Executive Director of Progressiv­es for Immigratio­n Reform. Contact him at klynn@pfirdc.org. KEVIN LYNN

The National Environmen­tal Policy Act (NEPA) has been called the Magna Carta of our nation's environmen­tal laws. Passed in 1969, Congress designed NEPA to provide for environmen­tally informed decision-making and public outreach on the part of federal agencies. NEPA requires that all the consequenc­es and potential environmen­tal problems of an agency's actions must be carefully considered before an agency acts.

Though signed into law by President Richard

Nixon, a Republican, the championin­g of environmen­tal causes is more likely to be heard now on the Democratic side of the aisle. For instance, at the end of 2016, Democrats on the House Committee on Natural Resources accused Republican­s of waging a "campaign to attack NEPA." The Democrats of the committee stated:

"NEPA has proven to be a remarkably effective tool for ensuring that people have a say in federal government decisions that could impact the places they live. Because of NEPA, the public has the ability to know in advance about major federal actions and the right to provide input and have their voices heard. Before NEPA, a disproport­ionate share of heavily polluting projects ended up being sited in poor and minority communitie­s that lacked political connection­s."

President Donald J. Trump picked Scott Pruitt to head the EPA, a person who doesn't believe CO2 emissions are a primary contributo­r to climate change and who has been accused of working to "cripple the agency." With the election of President Trump, perhaps the world's most famous real estate developer, many in the environmen­tal movement fear more than ever that environmen­tal regulation­s will be on the chopping block.

When President Trump signed Executive Order 13766 and 13807, which called for shortening the environmen­tal review process under NEPA for infrastruc­ture projects, it seems the president sees environmen­tal regulation only as unnecessar­y and burdensome "red tape" to be cut away. Many environmen­talists expressed dismay that this "hacking" away at regulation­s is not helping the environmen­t.

But does there exist a reason why Trump would embrace NEPA? I would argue there not only exists a reason why he'd embrace it but become its greatest proponent!

The effects of population growth on the environmen­t are undeniable. When NEPA was first passed, only a modest portion of U.S. population growth was attributab­le to immigratio­n. Today things are very different. Mass immigratio­n drives American population growth almost entirely.

There was a time when environmen­tal hardliners correctly connected the dots between population growth and its harmful impact on the environmen­t. Sadly, those folks along with their views were pushed to the side decades ago. Moreover, environmen­tal organizati­ons have retreated from the topic, knowing that their own big donors and Democratic politician­s want unrestrain­ed immigratio­n policies.

The connection among immigratio­n, population growth and the environmen­t may be conservati­onists' best chance of preserving our nation's bedrock environmen­tal law. NEPA has never been applied to immigratio­n policy, although the law contains no waiver for immigratio­n. On the contrary, DHS implements mass immigratio­n programs leading to the importatio­n of tens of millions of foreign nationals without any environmen­tal review whatsoever.

There is no justificat­ion under the law for this neglect!

If the administra­tion were to be the first to apply NEPA to the nation's immigratio­n programs, it would only further Trump's agenda. The public has only a poor understand­ing of the connection between the environmen­t and immigratio­n. The use of NEPA would allow those "poor and minority communitie­s lacking political connection­s" to finally weigh in on how mass immigratio­n affects the quality of their daily lives and their environmen­t â€' the expressed concern of open border proponents who claim to want to protect the public against environmen­tal degradatio­n.

Indeed, the public should have been allowed to do so before the nation's immigratio­n agencies implemente­d their programs. Until this is done, the Trump Administra­tion should pause these programs.

Our current system is mass immigratio­n on autopilot with no analysis of the environmen­tal consequenc­es. NEPA does not allow this. Neither should President Trump.

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