El Dorado News-Times

Letter to the Editor


To the Editor:

Recently on PBS News Hour, the media raised cane over TV preachers, Jessie Duplantis and Kenneth Copeland purchasing new airplanes to fly to do their meetings. They are assisted by their churches; Covenant Church in Deaterhan, Louisiana, and Eagle Mountain Internatio­nal Church in Fort Worth, Texas, respective­ly as well as supporting partners, like myself, to their ministries. I have long been blessed and have partnered in both ministries. Ken and Jessie have reached many for Christ. Their churches are among the fastest growing church in the Deep South and Southwest U.S., respective­ly. Their worst criticism came from a fundamenta­list preacher, calling them Godless heretics. The Bible says God wants us to prosper and be in health, and God is the God who heals us, and by His stripes we are healed. I am a Christian, but not a fundamenta­list. I have had issues with fundamenta­lists.

As a college student, I went to a fundamenta­list church, and was censored for reading a newer translatio­n of the Bible. Also, in that same church, when someone joined a different donominati­on, the church dismissed them for heresy. Also, in another fundamenta­list church, in that same town, I attended a revival where almost no one spoke to me, and the evangelist bragged on eating next to the race track, where he lives and pastors, to spy on his church members going to horse races. As for that critical preacher, I would say to him, “judge not, lest you be judged.” How many gets saved in his church. I am thankful for the spiritual uplift from Ken and Jessie. Tell that fundamenta­list preacher to come off his spiritual high horse.

Sincerely, Leslie Putman El Dorado

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