El Dorado News-Times

Flu diagnoses concern local KHDOWK R൶FLDOV

- By Jacob Shipp

7KRXJK WKLV \HDU¶V ÀX season in Union County was severe, the absenteeis­m rate stayed steady at 5.51 percent across the El Dorado School District.

Across the state, the absenteeis­m rate averaged 6.2 percent, and the health department noted two VFKRROV KDG EULHÀ\ FORVHG GXH WR WKH ÀX LQ $UNDQVDV

The Union County Department of Health said more positive cases of WKH ÀX ZHUH UHSRUWHG WKDQ were expected for the season, representi­ng just a SRUWLRQ RI SRVLWLYH ÀX GLagnoses in the state.

7KH ÀX LV D FRQWDJLRXV respirator­y illness caused E\ LQÀXHQ]D YLUXVHV WKDW infect the nose, throat and lungs.

It can cause mild to severe illness, and at times can lead to death. The best ZD\ WR SUHYHQW WKH ÀX LV E\ JHWWLQJ D ÀX YDFFLQH HDFK \HDU 6HDVRQDO ÀX LV easily spread.

The cough, usually dry, can be severe and last two RU PRUH ZHHNV

Janet Scarlett, El Dorado High School nurse, said, “Most people recover from fever and other V\PSWRPV ZLWKLQ D ZHHN without requiring medical attention,” Scarlett said. ³2YHU &KULVWPDV EUHDN it gave us time to clean the schools and slow down the SURFHVV RI WKH ÀX VSUHDGing through the schools,” she said.

The best way to prevent WKH ÀX LV WR JHW WKH ÀX vaccine each year. The YDFFLQH WDNHV RQH WR WZR ZHHNV WR VWDUW ZRUNLQJ Vaccinatio­n has been shown to have many benH¿WV LQFOXGLQJ UHGXFLQJ WKH ULVN RI ÀX LOOQHVVHV

On its website, the Center of Disease Control said, “You can’t catch WKH ÀX IURP WKH YDFFLQH because the virus in the YDFFLQH KDV EHHQ NLOOHG RU ZHDNHQHG 7KH OLYH YDFcine isn’t recommende­d

IRU SHRSOH ZLWK D ZHDNHU than-normal immune system.”

The best way to avoid the virus is by frequent KDQG ZDVKLQJ DQG NHHSLQJ your distance from others.

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