El Dorado News-Times

To the Editor:


Running a company is not like running a country.

First of all let’s be clear, fair and correct. We are in this crisis because President Donald Trump dismantle the Pandemic Responses Team that President Obama had in place to head off these kind of crisis, before Trump was elected. The Republican­s allowed this to happen and fought the Democrats for trying to stop Trump from making the mistake of dismantlin­g the Pandemic Response Team. The Ebola Virus and the Swine Flu were headed off before they became a crisis because Obama had the Pandemic Response Team in place to head them off. The CORONAVIRU­S could have been headed off before it became a pandemic if Trump had left the Pandemic Response Team in place, but Trump was so determined to destroy everything Obama had built up to benefit this country. See what his racist conduct has gotten this country into. Lives have been lost, families torn apart, people have lost their jobs and now they (the Republican­s) want to give trillions of dollars to big companies and Wall Street to make the rich feel good and cover the mistakes that Trump has made.

None of those trillions of dollars are going to put the working people that lost jobs, and livelihood and the poor folks back on their feet with a level playing field. That trillion-dollar bail out is going to the rich like it always does, at least 95% of it. That entire trillion dollars should go to working class people and small businesses, those are the ones hurt and suffering from Trump’s dumb mistake that support from the hard line Republican­s brought.

Wall Street has not lost any money; neither have the airlines or the auto industry. The people that were laid off their jobs lost the money, they are the ones who should be compensate­d. The Republican­s want to give every worker $1,200.00, what in the devil’s hell is that, coming from a trillion dollars. Do they think you people are too damn dumb to know how much a trillion dollars is, and I may not get a d me, but I am not that damn dumb that I don’t know the magnitude of that amount of money. One trillion dollars is enough money to give every adult person in the United States $50,000 and have several millions left over.

And the Republican­s and a lot of Democrats want people to be happy with $1,200.00.

Trump was asked if a restrictio­n would be placed on any bail out money, that is can be used to pay workers and create jobs to stimulate the economy, his answer was we will see. He was asked why can’t he just make that restrictio­n, he would not answer. The only money that will go into the economy is that little drop in the ocean $1,200.00 Republican­s want to give to each of poor folk while millions go into the pocket of Wall Street investors, CEO’s, the rich and politician­s. No one give a damn about the economy but us poor folk trying to work and make a living. While those slimy crooks cheat us out of our $50,000.00 share of the one trillion dollar (1,000,000,000,000.00) bail-out stimulus money. I find it hard to believe people can be happy knowing that they are entitled to $50,000.00 out of the $1,000,000,000,000,.00 tax money (the people’s tax money) being given away to stimulate our economy. Twice this term Americans are being made a fool of again.

— Ralph E. Williams, El Dorado

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