El Dorado News-Times

Progressiv­es: Primary wins sign of shift in momentum


CHICAGO — Progressiv­e Democrats celebrated two primary victories Wednesday, claiming the protests over George Floyd’s death and a renewed focus on racial and economic justice have given their candidates new momentum after some rough patches this year.

Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib, a member of the “squad” of four firstterm congresswo­men of color who have drawn attention for their liberal views and distaste for President Donald Trump, scored a convincing victory over Detroit City Council President Brenda Jones. Jones had criticized Tlaib as being too divisive. There also was a stunning win Tuesday by Black Lives Matter activist Cori Bush over longtime Rep. William Lacy Clay in a St. Louis area district.

Both Tlaib and Bush, who says she was beaten while protesting the death of black 18-year-old Michael Brown by a white officer in Ferguson, Missouri in 2014, had support from multiple national progressiv­e organizati­ons. They have rejected corporate political action committee money and called for greater action on climate change, “Medicare for All” and more police accountabi­lity. They framed their victories as wins for working people and those who have taken to the streets in recent weeks to demand more than incrementa­l change.

“We are at a turning point in this country as we face down unpreceden­ted crises,” Bush said in a victory speech. “Y’all, we about to change the world.”

Beyond signaling momentum, the victories are giving progressiv­es confidence about two upcoming tests. Next week, squad member Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota will face a challenge from a well-funded opponent, Antone Melton-Meaux. On Sept. 1, progressiv­e Alex Morse, the 31-yearold mayor of Holyoke, Massachuse­tts, will try to knock off Rep. Richard Neal, one of the most powerful House Democrats.

The year did not start out on such a positive note.

Sen. Bernie Sanders, a democratic socialist whose 2016 presidenti­al bid mobilized progressiv­es, dropped out of the Democratic presidenti­al primary in April after a series of losses to former Vice President Joe Biden, an establishm­ent candidate who said policies like Sanders’ Medicare for All went too far. In March, a party-backed favorite easily defeated a progressiv­e hopeful in Texas’ Democratic Senate primary. Rep. Henry Cuellar, one of Congress’ most conservati­ve Democrats and was a top target of progressiv­e groups such as Justice Democrats, also won his primary.

But there were other notable triumphs, especially in the weeks after Floyd’s killing in Minneapoli­s in May sparked global protests.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, another “squad” member whose 2018 win over a longtime incumbent made her a progressiv­e icon, easily won her New York primary. Middle school principal Jamaal Bowman unseated veteran Rep. Eliot Engel for a Bronxbased seat.

In March, Marie Newman knocked off Illinois Rep. Dan Lipinski, an abortion opponent who compared progressiv­e Democrats to a “tea party of the left.”

While progressiv­es “are going to win some and lose some,” former Sanders campaign manager Faiz Shakir said progressiv­e candidates and their ideals are becoming more popular, and forcing change within the party.

“Progressiv­es are in the ascendancy within the Democratic party, there’s no doubt about it,” said Shakir, who is now an adviser to Sanders and to the political action committee Fight Corporate Monopolies, which ran ads blasting Clay for being too cozy with corporate America.

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