Enterprise-Record (Chico)

Safe Space Winter Shelter opening Dec. 19

- By Michael Weber mweber@chicoer.com

The Safe Space Winter Shelter is once again in operation and working with several local churches to house up to 35 people to protect them from weather. It will begin the program on Dec. 19 and it will end after 12 weeks.

The shelters will serve hot meals for the occupants and will have a staff member on site to help assist with various needs. Safe Space Winter Shelter Operations Manager Richard Narad said the shelter will have a low barrier of entry.

“People shouldn’t sleep outside. Safe Space therefore is low barrier. We don’t require the people come in for an interview ahead of time; we don’t require they be sober; we don’t require all sorts of things,” Narad said. “We say, ‘Come inside.’”

Narad said occupants will need to store their belongings due to space limitation­s, but may bring overnight supplies. They must also follow a code of conduct that includes no fighting, no yelling, no property destructio­n, and no drugs or alcohol on the premises.

“We allow couples to stay together; we allow people to bring their pets in as long as they’re well behaved,” Narad said.

Narad said the shelter will follow social distancing guidelines and will serve people on a priority basis before accepting anyone else.

People who are over the age of 60 or with a medical referral will have priority to come inside. After they settle in, they will qualify anyone one night at a time. The shelter will have a maximum occupancy of up to 35 depending on the building space.

While the safe space winter shelter has only operated in the winter since 2013, Narad said the group hopes to find a building so it can begin offering services including case management year round.

“Get people inside and then work with them to see what the next step is toward stable housing,” Narad said. “That’s our goal is to be able to do that year round.”

Informatio­n for signing up to the Safe Space Winter Shelter can be found at https://www. safespacec­hico.org.

The shelter is also having a fundraiser which can be found at https://www. classy.org/campaign/safespace-winter-shelter-inc/ c370953.

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