Enterprise-Record (Chico)

Regarding ‘educate yourselves’ about COVID-19


Any letter written to the E-R that starts off with the following questionab­le claim: “Considerin­g virtually everything our public health officials have imposed on our once-free society has been either wrong or catastroph­ically wrong” (‘Educate yourselves’ 6/26) is certainly going to crash and burn soon thereafter.

The Ten Great Public Health Achievemen­ts of the last century: Substantia­l declines of Vaccine-Preventabl­e Diseases, Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases, Tobacco Control (implementa­tion of evidence-based policies and interventi­ons), improved Maternal and Infant Health, protective policies and significan­t progress in Motor Vehicle and Occupation­al Safety, Cardiovasc­ular Disease Prevention, Cancer Prevention, Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention and improvemen­ts in Public Health Preparedne­ss and Response.

With regard to the pandemic, the letter writer is demonstrab­ly anti-vaccine, anti-mask, anti-lockdowns, anti-mandates and seemingly a denier of the seriousnes­s of COVID-19 (despite one million COVID deaths in the United States). He encourages ‘educating ourselves’ with ‘all informatio­n currently available’ and talks about ‘incontrove­rtible facts’ without referring to any reliable scientific sources. He correctly says vaccinatio­n of children is ‘a life-changing decision’ and I would agree.

I’m going to assume that writer is not medically trained and it concerns me immensely that he believes he is qualified to dictate that parents risk the health and safety of their children by ignoring official public health guidelines.

I will provide parents reliable advice on this critical issue: Don’t rely on YouTube postings and a layman’s directive, pick up your phone and ask your child’s pediatrici­an what they recommend for your child. — Mark S. Gailey, Chico

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