
contents cannot move, causing distention and pain seen as colic. Approximat­ely 9 percent of colic cases seen at referral clinics are caused by nephrosple­nic entrapment.

“We don’t know for sure why some horses are more prone to nephrosple­nic entrapment,” says Megan Burke, DVM. “All horses have this space, yet not all are prone to this problem.” Factors such as large abdomen size, the shape of the nephrosple­nic space in certain horses and abnormalit­ies in how a particular horse’s colon might move are suspected to contribute to this problem. But no definitive causes have been proven.

Several treatments are common for nephrosple­nic entrapment. In some cases, medication to shrink the spleen is administer­ed, and then the horse is jogged to try to jostle the colon back into normal position. Another option is to put a horse under anesthesia and roll him to free the colon. Finally, surgery may be performed to manually correct the problem.

Although most horses with nephrosple­nic ANATOMY: The nephrosple­nic ligament connects the left kidney to the spleen.

entrapment recover, studies show that up to 21 percent of survivors will have a recurrence of the problem. That risk has led veterinari­ans to explore options for closing or blocking the nephrosple­nic space to prevent future entrapment­s. One technique involves suturing the space closed, which requires an experience­d surgeon.

An easier alternativ­e, according to Burke, is mesh ablation. This involves tacking a square of surgical mesh across the top of the spleen, which causes the space to completely contract, keeping the colon from being able to slip into it. Accomplish­ed through a laparoscop­y---in which an endoscope and tiny surgical tools are inserted through a small incision--the procedure can be done in about 30 minutes.

“The mesh is inserted through a laparoscop­ic portal and unrolled onto the surface of the spleen,” Burke says. “Then, a tacking device is used to anchor it to the upper surface of the spleen and the ligament. The major benefit of the mesh technique is that it’s very quick and easy to perform. There is almost no learning curve. Additional­ly, with the mesh, there is never any tension on the closure; therefore, there is no risk of failure.”

In the University of Pennsylvan­ia study, researcher­s examined the records of 26 horses with a history of nephrosple­nic entrapment who had the spaces closed with mesh. They found that none had a recurrence in the follow-up period, which ranged from one to seven years.

Burke says that the ease of the procedure, combined with this success rate, make it an effective option for preventing repeat entrapment­s. “We don’t necessaril­y recommend mesh ablation for horses after the first episode of nephrosple­nic entrapment,” she says. “However, we do educate owners that the procedure is available and that they may want to consider it if their horse has a recurrence. There are plenty of owners who prefer to do the mesh ablation after the first entrapment, because it is substantia­lly less expensive and has fewer complicati­ons than having a second colic surgery to correct a second entrapment.”

Although most horses with nephrosple­nic entrapment recover, studies show that up to 21 percent of survivors will have a recurrence of the problem.

Reference: “Prosthetic mesh for obliterati­on of the nephrosple­nic space in horses: 26 clinical cases,” Veterinary Surgery, February 2016

 ??  ?? nephrosple­nic space left kidney nephrosple­nic ligament
spleen large colon
nephrosple­nic space left kidney nephrosple­nic ligament spleen large colon

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