
It may not be the most convenient or cheapest option, but repeated nasogastri­c tubing done in a hospital setting is the most effective method for clearing sand from a horse’s digestive tract, according to a new study from Finland.

A horse who grazes on sandy soil can develop accumulati­ons of sediment in his large colon, which can lead to recurrent colic, weight loss and diarrhea. In severe cases, surgery is necessary to manually remove the sand, but several noninvasiv­e treatments are commonly used to prevent and clear accumulati­ons.

One method is feeding psyllium mucilloid, dried husks from the seed of the Plantago ovata plant that expand in the colon to a gelatinous consistenc­y. As it passes out of the digestive tract, the psyllium is believed to carry sand with it. In the other common treatment, a nasogastri­c tube is used to administer magnesium sulfate (Epsom salts), which acts as a laxative.

To compare the efficacy of these methods, researcher­s at the University of Helsinki reviewed the records of 1,097 horses who had been x-rayed for sand in the digestive tract over a six-year period. They then focused on 246 horses whose radiograph­s showed areas of sand in the colon greater than 75 square centimeter­s and who were treated medically and were monitored radiograph­ically. The study horses fell into one of three treatment categories:

• those treated at home and fed psyllium daily for at least 10 days (group 1)

• those treated once with psyllium or magnesium sulfate delivered by a veterinari­an using a nasogastri­c tube, and then fed psyllium at home for 10 days (group 2)

• horses kept in a hospital for three to seven days and treated there daily with psyllium and/or magnesium sulfate (group 3)

“Horses in group 2 were initially given psyllium or magnesium sulfate or both depending on the clinician’s judgment,” says Ritva Kaikkonen, DVM. “In group 3 there were some horses who had high magnesium levels or very loose feces so some tubings were done without magnesium sulfate and some were given only magnesium sulfate depending of the clinical status of the horse.”

Follow-up radiograph­s

were also taken for each horse. If the horse was managed at home, the radiograph­s were taken within 40 days of treatment and those in the hospital were radiograph­ed within eight days. If the second radiograph indicated the sand area had decreased to less than 25 square centimeter­s, the accumulati­on was con

sidered resolved.

The resulting data showed that group 3, horses who were hospitaliz­ed and underwent repeated tubing, had a much higher percentage of resolved cases, with 91 of 170 horses (53 percent) clearing sand. In contrast, the success rate in group 1 was 24 percent and in group 2, it was 21 percent.

Kaikkonen says the effectiven­ess of hospitaliz­ation with repeated nasogastri­c tubings could be attributed to a few factors. “Horses usually do not eat magnesium sulfate [so it needs to be delivered via nasogastri­c tube]. With that method, you can get a large bolus 0 at once. Administra­tion technique seems to have an influence, but based on previous studies we know that magnesium sulfate and psyllium in combinatio­n seem to be most effective. Another factor may be also that horses in the hospital did not have continued exposure to sand.”

Owners of horses at risk of sand colic are wise to consider the possible limitation­s of various treatments, says Kaikkonen: “We see lots of horses who are given psyllium at home but with no effect. So I would advise the horse owners not to trust blindly that feeding psyllium is the solution. At the very least, the horse’s environmen­t should be controlled to prevent the access to sand.”

Reference: “Comparison of psyllium feeding at home and nasogastri­c intubation of psyllium and magnesium sulfate in the hospital as a treatment for naturally occurring colonic sand (geosedimen­t) accumulati­ons in horses: a retrospect­ive study,” Acta Veterinari­a Scandinavi­ca, October 2016

Repeated nasogastri­c tubing done in a hospital setting is the most effective method for clearing sand from a horse’s digestive tract, according to a new study from Finland.

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