
Here are some tips for people who are considerin­g drilling a new water well:

• Look for a driller who has a good understand­ing of local groundwate­r and aquifers as well as a deep knowledge of local geology.

• Be sure your prospectiv­e driller has a current license to dig wells in your state and is properly insured. A permit from the state will generally be required before drilling can commence.

• Ask around the local community as to a potential driller’s reputation, and/or ask the driller for references. Ideally, meet your candidate at the drilling site to get a sense of their knowledge of your land’s geology, likely depth needed to hit water, how long it will take, when they can begin, and how much it will cost. Typically, well drillers charge by the foot.

• Ask what type of drilling equipment the driller will be using.

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