
In a recent study conducted in Portugal, veterinari­ans gave these environmen­tal management guidelines to the owners of horses diagnosed as having severe equine asthma (SEA).

1. Ensure housing has good ventilatio­n (at least two openings for air circulatio­n)

2. Avoid stabling if possible, instead keep the horse on pasture 3. Turn out the horse for as long as possible, at least 12 hours a day

4. Move horses outside for grooming or when stalls are being cleaned

5. Use commercial dust-free bedding such as shavings, cardboard or low-dust options and avoid materials with potentiall­y high dust content, such as sawdust or straw

6. Do not feed dry hay because of its high dust concentrat­ion. Feed cubed or pelleted feeds or completely immerse hay meals in water for 20 to 30 minutes before feeding it to the horse.

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