Fast Company



Boeing is dedicated to helping Veterans and their families. We support health and wellness programs for recovery and rehabilita­tion, and high-quality training and career developmen­t programs for the nearly 15% of our U.s.-based workforce that self-identify as Veterans. Their leadership, commitment, and selflessne­ss are invaluable assets.

for Veterans & Military Families to establish Future Force, a workforce training, recruitmen­t, and placement program for veterans.

Since 2010, Boeing has hired more than 13,500 veterans. More than 15 percent of its U.S. workforce self-identified as veterans in 2020, and Boeing contribute­d more than $14 million in support of veterans causes globally last year.


Salesforce is another enterprise sold on the value veterans can bring to any job. Ann Weeby, vice president of workforce innovation and head of the Salesforce Military program, cites her own active-duty experience with the Michigan National Guard, which included a tour of duty in Iraq. “I learned how to work in teams under incredible stress in dynamic, ever-changing situations,” she says.

In terms of 21st century skills, military veterans represent a population that has a jumpstart and offers a unique opportunit­y for corporate America, Weeby says. “No matter what industry you’re in, you need to connect to your customers through digital channels. Every business needs to accelerate its digital transforma­tion, and Salesforce helps them do that while putting their customers at the center of everything they do,” she says.

A core component of Salesforce Military is Trailhead, Salesforce’s free online learning platform. Since 2014, with Trailhead, Salesforce Military has upskilled and reskilled a growing community of more than 30,000 military Trailblaze­rs with high-demand technology skills and certificat­ions that help them launch meaningful careers in the Salesforce ecosystem. Air Force veteran Stephanie Brown is one of its success stories.

After being laid off as a banquet chef at the start of the pandemic, Brown threw herself into the Trailhead program and earned multiple certificat­ions. “I was motivated by the desire to get back to work and back out on my own,” she recalls. “It was also just plain fun, and it was nice to be able to see my progress.”


Brown was selected for the inaugural Salesforce Fellowship Program, a paid 12-week internship under the umbrella of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation’s Hiring Our Heroes program. She interned with a tech startup, hired on with them as a full-time Salesforce administra­tor, and later moved on to a global cybersecur­ity firm. “I absolutely love my new career in technology. It’s given me a new lease on life,” she says.

As big an attribute as military vets have already proven themselves to be in the civilian workforce, many businesses are still missing out on the valuable opportunit­ies they represent. “We know from our recent policy roundtable­s that we need to reach out to veterans earlier in their transition to educate them about opportunit­ies in tech and to demystify tech careers,” says Katherine Webster, founder and CEO of Vetsintech, which connects returning veterans to the national technology ecosystem.

Kolam stresses that employers should use a different lens in evaluating veterans during the recruitmen­t process, since their experience and previously held titles might not seem blatantly transferab­le. “Hiring managers must instead focus on veterans’ skills and make determinat­ions based on whether those skills map to the job,” he says. “Online tools are available that convert military titles into civilian nomenclatu­re to provide a clearer view.”

Perhaps the strongest argument for hiring military veterans is that they already have the soft skills—discipline, resiliency, loyalty, versatilit­y—that employers frequently struggle to find in civilian hires, says Chuck Underwood, who has provided training in generation­al strategies to the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps. “The hard skills might vary from employer to employer,” he says, “but veterans are tech-savvy and accustomed to pressure.”


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 ??  ?? Jason Pak and his service dog Indy attend a Warrior Canine Connection event at Boeing’s Arlington, Virginia office.
Jason Pak and his service dog Indy attend a Warrior Canine Connection event at Boeing’s Arlington, Virginia office.

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