First For Women

The slimming effect of stable blood sugar levels

The link between sugar consumptio­n and increased body fat has long been known. Too much sugar in the diet promotes more insulin, the fat storing hormone, and thus more body fat.


Recently an Italian study of a sugar-blocking supplement showed significan­t weight loss results.1 The supplement, called ZuccarinTM, produced on average 20 pounds of weight loss, in the 90 day study. The subjects lost 10% of their body weight and lost 3 times the weight of the control group, who were also on a 1300 calorie controlled diet, but not taking the Zuccarin supplement. In addition, the subjects also experience­d healthier blood sugar levels after using Zuccarin. The explanatio­n for the weight loss is that Zuccarin uses mulberry leaf extract and chromium to promote healthy blood sugar levels. Mulberry leaf has shown to reduce the absorption of sugars in the foods we eat. When these sugars are undigested, our blood sugar stabilizes and, according to experts, weight loss can occur.

1- ‘‘White Mulberry Supplement as Adjuvant Treatment of Obesity”, Journal of Biological Regulators and Homeostati­cs Agents., Vol 28, no.1, 2014.

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