First For Women

10 brilliant uses for car wax


1 Keep squirrels away from a feeder

Last time you added birdseed to your feeder to attract cardinals to your yard, the neighborho­od squirrels gobbled it all up! To keep the critters away, try greasing the pole with a generous amount of car wax. The squirrels won’t be able to climb up the slippery pole, so they’ll go looking elsewhere for snacks.

2 Silence noisy shower rings

The screeching of your shower curtain rings against the metal rod first thing in the morning is enough to drive you crazy. To put an end to the noise, use a soft cloth to apply 2 Tbs. of car wax to the rod; buff to remove excess. When the wax dries, it will form a slick invisible coating, allowing the rings to slide across the bar with barely a sound.

3 Nix grime on a range hood

If you’re constantly finding a layer of tough-to-remove grease on your range hood, wash the hood with soapy water and dry, then use a clean cloth to coat the surface with a layer of car wax. The wax prevents grease and other particles from sticking to the hood. Bonus: The silicone in the wax will add shine!

4 Preserve your pup’s tags

Fido’s last set of ID tags got so rusty that you couldn’t read his name on them. To protect his new tags from the same fate, use a soft cloth to apply a thin coat of car wax to the metal and let dry, then attach the tags to his collar. The wax will help shield the tags from rust-causing moisture. Reapply every few months or as needed.

5 Dust-proof a ceiling fan

To cut back on the number of times you have to climb up on a chair to dust the ceiling fan, try this: Apply a thin layer of car wax to the top and bottom of each blade. The wax forms a barrier that keeps dust from settling.

6 Fix a “sticky” drawer

You scored a great deal on a dresser at a yard sale, but one of the drawers gets stuck every time you try to open it. The fix: Rub a bit of car wax on the tracks. The wax will lubricate the drawer so it glides smoothly.

7 Prevent a mirror from getting foggy

On busy weekday mornings, who has the time to wait for the bathroom mirror to defog after a shower? To fog-proof it and speed your morning routine, simply clean the mirror as usual, then coat the glass with a thin layer of car wax. Next, use a lint-free cloth to wipe off the wax. It will leave behind a transparen­t film that prevents the buildup of condensati­on for up to 30 days.

8 Prolong the life of patio furniture

To keep your metal lawn chairs and table looking like new, rub the legs of each item with car wax. The wax forms a protective barrier to prevent ground moisture from causing tough-to-remove rust.

9 Restore a dry-erase board

The message center in your kitchen is a lifesaver: You use it to jot down the family’s schedule, shopping lists, to-do’s and more. But lately you’ve been having trouble writing on the dry-erase surface. The save: Use a soft dry cloth to buff a thin layer of car wax on the board. Let dry, then wipe away any excess. The wax will reconditio­n the board and fill in tiny imperfecti­ons on the surface so you can write—and erase—with ease.

10 Stop garden shears from sticking

The secret weapon for keeping your trusty shears in tip-top shape so you can trim the bushes and hedges around your house? Car wax. Use a soft cloth to buff wax onto the tool’s hinges and blades. The wax will lubricate the metal, creating a slick surface so sap and other matter won’t stick to the blades.

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