First For Women

Fast fixes for aging blind spots


We’ve all had it: That ugh moment when we spot a deep wrinkle that we somehow hadn’t noticed before. So we wondered: What else might we be missing? Here, pros ID sneaky agers—and the easy fixes

Chin hairs? Try sugaring

Tweezing those errant chin hairs that seem to pop up overnight is an easy fix, but they grow back so quickly!

Instead, wax them off with sugaring. This hair-removal method contains sugar, honey and lemon to whisk away all the little strands without irritation, plus it slows regrowth. FIRST pick: Parissa Roll-On Body Sugar, $20 for 5 oz.,

Chicken skin? Try a scrub

Those tiny red bumps (called keratosis pilaris) that creep up on the back of the upper arms occur when skin produces excess keratin around hair follicles. What can help: a scrub containing glycolic acid, which unclogs pores and follicles while sloughing off dead cells to smooth skin. Use three times a week for results in three weeks. FIRST pick: Nip + Fab Glycolic Fix Scrub, $10 for 2.5 oz.,

Crepey hands? Try this cream

Dry, wrinkly hands are a telltale sign of aging, but you can turn back the clock with meadowfoam seed oil. Its fatty acids deeply moisturize to nourish and plump thin skin. Plus, the oil fights sun damage to prevent new wrinkles from forming. Use twice a day for results in four weeks. FIRST pick: Philosophy Hands of Hope Hand and Cuticle Cream, $10 for 1 oz.,

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