First For Women

Genius secrets to oops-proof makeup


All that drinking, eating and dancing can lead to messy makeup mishaps. Here, the easy hacks to beautiful all night long For long-lasting lipstick

To ensure colors stays put no matter how many sips of wine you take or kisses you dole out: Before applying lipstick, use an aloe-based liner (like Palladio Lip Liner Pencil, $4, SallyBeaut­ to line and fill in lips. Aloe hydrates so lips don’t crack and the liner creates grip to hold lipstick in place while the added color makes any fading less noticeable.

For smudge-resistant mascara

Nothing saps party confidence like catching a glimpse of yourself in a mirror and seeing raccoon eyes staring back at you. To avoid this: After applying two to three coats of your regular black or brown mascara, top it off with a coat of clear (like Maybelline Great Lash in Clear, $5, Clear mascara helps “seal” the darker color so it remains on lashes instead of transferri­ng to skin.

For streak-free bronzer

If you’re like us, winter has you dabbing on a little extra blush or bronzer for a sun-kissed glow. But once you start shimmying to the music, beads of colored sweat run down your face! The fix: Lightly dust skin with baking soda before applying any makeup. The powder whisks away moisture and blocks pores to form a barrier against sweat, so makeup stays flawless all night!

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