First For Women

MELT FAT, REV ENERGY with proven natural strategies


Q: I’ve been following a Paleo diet for six months, and it’s working— I’m down 37 pounds! But lately I’ve been struggling with low energy and brain fog. Is my diet to blame? A:

Your Paleo diet could be making you foggy and fatigued. A study in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition revealed that after six months on a Paleo diet, subjects’ blood iodine concentrat­ion plummeted by 49 percent. This trace element plays a key role in the production of thyroid hormones, but Paleo eliminates many top iodine sources, including yogurt, milk, grains and fortified cereals. This can lead to iodine shortfalls that trigger metabolic slowdowns, mental and physical tiredness and other concerns, including thinning hair and dry skin.

Fortunatel­y, easy diet tweaks can help you get the recommende­d daily dose of 150 mcg of iodine without slowing your weight loss. Simply aim to enjoy two to three daily servings of Paleo-approved iodine sources such as eggs (including the yolk), seaweed, potatoes, salmon, cod and liver. Once you start getting enough iodine, you should feel more energized and focused within five days.

I started a new diet a few weeks ago, but I’m not losing as fast as I’d like. What can help?

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