First For Women



The drink that cuts flu symptoms by 96 percent

Though you can use either without affecting the flavor of the tea, raw honey isn’t heated above 95°F or filtered, so it retains more nutrients and beneficial bacteria than regular honey. Tip: Let tea cool slightly before adding honey to keep from boiling away the health perks.

Dampens hunger

The richer stores of protein and minerals in raw honey can keep cravings at bay. The proof: In a University of Wyoming study, raw honey– sweetened cookies raised levels of appetite-reducing peptide YY and lowered levels of hunger-revving ghrelin more than sugar-sweetened treats.

Elevates mood

Raw honey contains probiotics that help good bacteria in the gut thrive and multiply, report Michigan State University scientists. These friendly flora can boost the production of feelgood serotonin by up to 90 percent.

Wards off spring allergies

Consuming locally sourced raw honey daily for four weeks leading up to allergy season can ease congestion, sneezing and itchiness by 31 percent, according to a Finnish study. Experts say the small amount of pollen in raw honey helps the body become less reactive to pollen in the environmen­t.

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