First For Women


Fitness guru Kathy Smith shares four gentle stretches designed to increase hydration



This simple but important move stretches the glutes and inner thighs to relieve tension and loosen the fascia.

TO DO: Kneel with your left knee on the floor and your right leg at a 90-degree angle in front of you. Place your hands on your right thigh and keep your back upright. With a slight bend in your back leg, lift that knee off the floor as you tuck your pelvis under. Gently pulse the stretch, feeling it in the front of the thigh, for 45 seconds. Repeat on the other side.


By opening up the chest and shoulders, this move helps relieve stress and loosen the fascia.

TO DO: Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet hip-distance apart. Expand your chest and slide your shoulder blades down away from your ears and in toward each other. Press your feet, shoulders and arms into the floor as you lift your hips and back off the floor. Hold for 30 seconds. Slowly release, bringing your back down to the ground one vertebra at a time until you are back to the starting position.


The hips and lower back can tighten up after hours spent sitting, but Kathy says this stretch loosens them to maximize the flow of hydration in the body.

TO DO: Sit tall on the floor with your legs extended. Bend your right knee and grasp your hands around the shin to encourage a deeper stretch. As you inhale, grow taller through your spine and more expansive across your chest. Hold for 30 seconds, gently pulsing in the stretch. Release and repeat on the other side.


By engaging your core, this stretch increases circulatio­n while loosening the upper back to release tension.

TO DO: Standing with legs hip-width apart, bend knees into a squat position. As you’re squatting, reach your right hand toward the floor and your left hand up toward the ceiling. Hold for 30 seconds, gently pulsing into the stretch. Return to standing, then repeat on the other side.

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