First For Women

Playing it cool


“My husband had just been hired at a new company in December of last year, so when his boss invited us to his annual holiday party, I knew I had to make an epic first impression. But about an hour into the affair, I felt the familiar heat of a hot flash rising.

“Searching the dining room for some discreet relief, I spotted a bucket of Champagne chilling nearby and poached a few ice cubes to wrap in a pair of nearby dinner napkins. Then I turned my back to the room and slipped my homemade ‘cooling packs’ into my bra, exhaling deeply at the instant cool that swept over me.

“Jut then, our hosts called the party together in the study to say a few words. Of course, I could feel the ice melting down my front as I smiled through the speech, but there was no way to yank it out without being

obvious. Well, at least the dress

is black, I thought. The wet spots won’t be too visible.

“When it was time to leave, my husband and I were saying our goodbyes when the hostess went in for a hug. I panicked, terrified that she would feel my soaked dress during our embrace, and grabbed her by the shoulders, air-kissing each of her cheeks instead.

“‘That’s how they say goodbye in France!’ I said, though I’ve never been to France in my life. But she looked thrilled, exclaiming that Paris was one of her favorite cities. Now whenever I run into her we say,

‘Bonjour!’ and air-kiss.”

—Kate Marshall, 53, Chicago

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