First For Women

93% OF MEDICINES contain additives that can make us sick


“Close to three-quarters of a pill or capsule is made up of inactive ingredient­s,” says Giovanni Traverso, Ph.D., an assistant professor at MIT and Brigham and Women’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School, who has studied these ingredient­s in medication and supplement­s. Although most serve specific roles (like increasing absorbabil­ity or prolonging shelf life) these ingredient­s can also cause fatigue, GI issues and more in women who are sensitive or allergic.

“Perimenopa­usal women are most affected because they’re more sensitive chemically,” says functional medicine specialist Mark Menolascin­o, M.D. “These additives contribute to the cumulative body burden, and unless you live in a bubble, by the time you’re 40, you’re loaded up with toxins.” As a result, women who turn to medicines for healing often end up feeling worse.

An allergist can run tests to diagnose an allergy or sensitivit­y to inactive ingredient­s. But if you suspect your medication is behind your fatigue, check the list of the most common additives and the symptoms they can cause (at left), and consider the strategies below.

Ask your doctor for a medicine swap. According to Traverso’s study, the 18 most frequently prescribed medication­s each have more than 80 formulatio­ns, so there’s likely one made without the ingredient­s you’re reacting to. To find out what’s in your medication, read the label or check the ingredient­s at

Try a compoundin­g pharmacy. These pharmacies can make medication­s without the additives that are causing your symptoms. Look for one accredited by the Pharmacy Compoundin­g Accreditat­ion Board.

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