First For Women

How can I get rid of this skin tag?



I recently developed a skin tag on my neck that I’d like to get rid of. My doctor told me it can be surgically removed, but I’d rather avoid that. Are there any ways I can make it go away naturally?


Skin tags are very common, especially in older adults. They’re usually harmless, but you were wise to have yours assessed by your doctor. Surgery is the best way to get rid of skin tags, and it’s a quick, outpatient procedure that can be done right in your doctor’s office.

But if your skin tag is small—1⁄8 of an inch in diameter or less—there are do-it-yourself cryotherap­y kits that get good reviews from users. Similar to wart removers, these products freeze the skin tag, which encourages it to fall off in about two weeks. The kits contain a freezing liquid—which you apply to your skin tag with the provided applicator. One to try: Compound W Skin Tag Remover ( Be sure to follow the directions carefully and to keep the treated area clean and covered with a bandage while it heals.

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