First For Women

“These moves ended my pain!”

Advanced arthritis left Donna Cave, 64, in agony. Then she discovered the simple exercises that made all the difference—and helped her avoid hip-replacemen­t surgery


That’s the last of them,” the delivery man told Donna after placing the 10th box next to her desk. She eyed the stack that she was meant to distribute around the office, and her stomach clenched as dread crept in.

“I basically take care of two real estate offices, which requires me to walk a lot. I’m moving boxes, delivering packages, keeping the pantries tidy and doing anything else that needs to be done,” says Donna. “But as the pain in my hip increased, I began to panic. Every single step I took was painful, and I didn’t know how I was going to go on.

Persistent pain

“About two years ago, I started to notice that something was going on with my left hip. It felt tight, the way a joint feels right before you need to pop or crack it for relief, but I couldn’t ever seem to pop it. And it began to constantly feel like that, day and night. At first, it wasn’t restrictin­g my movement or keeping me from doing anything, but with every step, I would be thinking ‘hip, hip, hip.’ It was just always there, making its presence known.

“But then it progressiv­ely got worse, and by December of 2019, it was painful with every step. There were days when I would feel all right in the morning, but by 3 pm, I wouldn’t dare get up from my desk. If there was something I needed to tend to in a different part of the office or some documents I needed to deliver, both of which were regular parts of my job, I’d consider just how pressing

it was and if someone else could do it before I got up and walked across the office—it hurt that much to walk. At the end of the day, I would collapse into the driver’s seat in my car and quickly turn on the seat warmer, grateful for the tiny bit of relief the heat provided.

“Around the same time, I went for my annual physical. When I described my pain to my doctor, he immediatel­y thought it was arthritis, but I was skeptical. I had always been pretty active and I never thought arthritis was something I needed to worry about. He referred me to an orthopedis­t, who took an X-ray and an MRI of my hip.

“What he found shocked us both: I had advanced arthritis in my left hip, and the ligaments were so worn away that it was basically bone on bone. He didn’t want me to get a hip replacemen­t because I’m 64, and he said they really only last 20 years, so he asked if I would consider trying physical therapy. I was skeptical that it was going to make a difference for me; I had been exercising regularly, doing workouts that combine yoga and Pilates on fitness trainer Ellen Barrett’s streaming platform. But my hip had continued to deteriorat­e despite my efforts, so I agreed to give physical therapy a try to see if it would help me.

Relief at last!

“At my first session, I explained to the therapist I was working with that I had been doing a lot of hip-opening exercises, but that they didn’t seem to be helping. She told me I should keep doing them, plus she taught me a few new exercises that focused more on strengthen­ing the muscles around my backside, like my glutes. She explained that working these muscles would create more space in the hip joint itself to help ease the pain I was experienci­ng.

I’d seen these exercises before, but I never would have thought they could help with the pain in my hip.

“I began doing the combinatio­n of hip-opening and glute-strengthen­ing exercises daily, and the pain disappeare­d much more quickly than I expected! Within just two weeks, I realized that I hadn’t thought about my hip in days.

“I only went to six physical therapy sessions and then stopped because I felt comfortabl­e doing the exercises on my own. I continued to do so, plus searched on Ellen’s platform for other workouts, like Mat Pilates, that I knew incorporat­ed the movements I needed.

“And the exercises paid off! My office was closed for a few months last year due to COVID-19, but by the time I returned, my hip had ceased being a problem. Now, if someone calls me from across the office or if there are packages that need distributi­ng, I’ll jump out of my chair and take care of it. I’m looking forward to living active and pain-free for a long time to come!” —As told to Alyssa Sybertz

“I’m looking forward to living active and pain-free for a long time to


 ??  ?? Donna Cave, Roslyn, NY
Donna Cave, Roslyn, NY
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