First For Women



“There is evidence that having stronger stabilizin­g muscles around the hip can delay the need for a total joint replacemen­t,” says Steffany Moonaz, Ph.D., certified yoga therapist and director of Yoga for Arthritis. She explains that arthritis is characteri­zed by the loss of connective tissue inside the joint. “But the stability that is lost from deteriorat­ing connective tissue can be supplement­ed by strengthen­ing the surroundin­g muscles,” including the glutes, hamstrings and hip flexors.

“The muscles surroundin­g the joint may also be tense in response to chronic pain,” notes Moonaz. “So it is important to release that tension.” And gentle exercises like yoga strike this balance to quickly banish pain. In fact, in a review conducted at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, yoga lessened pain by 50%, plus improved function, swelling and joint tenderness in patients with arthritis.

To get the benefits, follow Donna Cave’s lead and try these three stretches at least four times a week.

Clam: This move strengthen­s the muscles on the outer hip and glute to support the hip joint.

To do: Lie on your side with your knees bent and stacked. Keeping your feet together, lift your top knee to the ceiling, then lower down. Repeat 15 times; switch sides.

Spider-Man Lunge: This move strengthen­s muscles around both hips and the core to support the pelvis.

To do: Start in a straight arm plank. Lift your right foot and plant it next to your right hand. Hold for 30 seconds, then return it to start. Repeat on the left. That’s one rep;

complete 10 reps.

Pigeon: This hip opener helps stretch and create space in the joint.

To do: Start on all fours. Slide your right knee forward toward your right wrist. Keeping your hips facing forward, slide your left leg back to straighten. Hold for 15 seconds,

then switch sides.

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