First For Women

It’s the Simple Things

- LIZ VACCARIELL­O, EDITOR- IN- CHIEF Find me on Instagram @liz vac c ariello

WHEN MY CHILDREN WERE SMALL, we had a dinner ritual of sharing something that happened to each of us that made “our hearts feel good.” Steve, my husband, might mention a funny thing our dog, Milo, did. Sophia might share a compliment she received from her teacher. Her twin, Liv, usually told us about a frog or snake found by the creek. I would invariably say that the meal we were sharing was it for me (story of my life— just happy to be here!).

I edited Parents magazine at the time. The ritual was meant to get the kids talking (healthy family dynamics!), flip the switch on struggles (math is hard, but when it finally clicks, what a feeling!) and realize how much fun can be found if we just look (gratitude is a life skill!).

Just for fun, I’m in the habit of secretly deciding what photo delights me the most in each issue. This week, my favorite surprised me. It’s not cutie-pie Valerie Bertinelli twirling pasta on page 21, or the lineup of lilac dresses on page 12 because purple is my favorite color. It’s actually the snapshot shared by reader Mimi Walsh, who sent us a picture of her grandsons fishing on a long-wished-for day when the whole family gathered. It appears on page 6 as part of our new Simple Joys column, where we hope to remind ourselves that the simple things in life often bring the most delight: an easy laugh, a cherished object, our beloved pets, our time with loved ones.

We report, write and publish most of what’s in First for Women magazine to make your life easier, your health better and your heart happier. Because if we can do that—and save you a little time and money along the way—then you have time for the uncomplica­ted and pure things that matter.

I invite you to join our chorus of reader stories. See prompts throughout the magazine, from real-life health journeys in every issue to the final words on the back page. Please email me about anything that comes to mind at liz@firstforwo­

Thank you for reading another week!

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