


“Rebalancin­g” is on the lips of every wealth manager. It’s one of the things they do to justify

their fees. It’s supposed to make you richer.

Rebalancin­g is the art of taking money from winning investment­s, at regular intervals, and

redeployin­g it into losers. The technique usually is applied to categories of investment­s (as

opposed to individual securities): You keep a certain balance between, say, growth stocks and

value stocks or between stocks and bonds. By this discipline you are induced to sell high and

buy low, or so goes the theory.

Burton Malkiel, the Princeton economist and advisor to Rebalance IRA, explains how the

system would have worked over the past 15 years.

“It’s January 2000. You have no idea that this is the top of the Internet bubble. But you do

know that your 60/40 allocation is now 75% stocks and 25% bonds. So you sell stocks and buy

bonds,” he says.

“January 2003: You don’t know that October of [the previous] year was the bottom of the

market for stocks. You do know that the Federal Reserve is getting interest rates closer to zero,

and that your bonds are up to 55% of your portfolio and your stocks are 45%. So you sell bonds

and buy stocks. ...

“The big lesson of behavioral finance is that people do exactly the wrong thing. They came

into the [stock] market in the first quarter of 2000 because high tech was hot. The money came

out in the third quarter of 2008 because the world was falling apart. Rebalancin­g forces you to

do just the opposite.”

So far into this century rebalancin­g looks very smart. But is it sure to keep working? Skepti-

cism is called for whenever anyone claims to have in hand a formula that guarantees enhanced


Yes, rebalancin­g is a certain winner if you are dealing with two categories that you know, in

advance, will have the same average return.

Suppose stocks and bonds are destined to each earn 5% a year over the next 25 years

while following irregular paths to the finish line. A portfolio that starts out 50/50 and remains

untouched will earn 5% a year. A portfolio that is rebalanced will do better than 5%. Just as

advertised, rebalancin­g will have you getting out of stocks when they are ahead of themselves

and into relatively cheap bonds, and vice versa.

The catch is that you have no way of knowing that stocks and bonds are going to deliver the

same average return. From 1942–67 stocks raced ahead. An undisturbe­d portfolio that started

out 50/50 ended up with a heavy stock allocation and an average return of 8.6% a year. A

rebalancer would have been pulling money out of the stock market and would have ended with

only 5.5% a year.

Rebalancin­g is also bad news in a relentless bear market. If U.S. stocks sink into a 25-year

funk, a rebalancer will be averaging down and getting killed.

Michael Nolan, an analyst at the Bogle Financial Markets Research Center, looked at 25-year

returns for hypothetic­al stock/bond portfolios over the past two centuries. The chart displays

the benefit (or loss) produced by rebalancin­g over the return enjoyed by someone who started

out 50/50 and then stood pat.

Rebalancin­g adds to wealth just some of the time. On average, Nolan found, rebalancin­g

subtracted an annual 0.15% from results. — W.B.

 ?? 1846
1846 1866 1886 1906 1926 1946 1966 1986 2014 SOURCE: BOGLE FINANCIAL MARKETS RESEARCH CENTER.

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