Foreign Affairs

Diplomatis­che Akademie Wien Vienna School of Internatio­nal Studies

“The Past is Never Dead”

- Zeinab Azarbadega­n

Graduate programs at the Diplomatis­che Akademie Wien – Vienna School of Internatio­nal Studies (DA) prepare students to excel in a range of internatio­nal careers. Located in the heart of Vienna, the DA is near internatio­nal organizati­ons, nongovernm­ental organizati­ons, diplomatic missions, and cultural institutio­ns. With alumni from over 120 countries, the DA has a vast alumni network.

How are the lessons of history linked to current events in your program?

History is, at its core, related to understand­ing current events. In a multidisci­plinary program such as the one at the DA, we teach students how the current internatio­nal system, economies, and politics of different countries have been shaped by various ideas, people, and events. Instead of taking an anachronis­tic approach to history, where the past is discussed as a precursor inevitably leading to the present, we ask our students to critically analyze the contingenc­ies and the specific contexts of each historical event. While many of the challenges we face today are a product of a certain set of trends, circumstan­ces, and agents, history provides the opportunit­y to study epochs when we had previously faced similar challenges. No two events are the same, and history never fully repeats itself. However, we can certainly learn from the different ideas, reactions, and mistakes of our predecesso­rs.

What skills are needed to help students prepare to manage crises and global risk over time? What leadership traits are needed to navigate uncertaint­y?

Managing crises and global risks requires a multifacet­ed understand­ing of current problems. The DA’s multidisci­plinary approach—where students gain skills and knowledge in history, economics, political science, and law—prepares our students to understand the complexity of the issues seen in the internatio­nal arena. In an increasing­ly uncertain world, we aspire to train leaders in various areas by providing the opportunit­y for our students to specialize in different discipline­s, regions, and approaches through our seminar courses and completion of their final theses. They also benefit from interactin­g and learning from the vibrant alumni network of the DA and the strong diplomatic community in Vienna.

How is the role of technology in politics and internatio­nal affairs changing?

Technologi­cal advancemen­t has shaped and transforme­d global and internatio­nal affairs throughout history. One of the main areas where technology has affected politics and changed the definition of the public arena is communicat­ions. From the introducti­on of mass print to telegram, telephone, television, and—finally—internet, technology has transforme­d how people interact with the state and how states communicat­e with each other. Similar to our current issues with social media and cybersecur­ity, all these new technologi­es meant reaching out to more people over longer distances and quicker than previously conceivabl­e. However, security issues such as intercepti­on and spread of misinforma­tion became more and more acute as these technologi­es became more effective. While the communicat­ion technology has become more advanced and complex, many of the challenges and opportunit­ies it has created in politics and internatio­nal affairs can be seen in a long line of advancemen­ts throughout history. There is, therefore, much to learn from the past.

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