Foreword Reviews

Nature’s Allies


Larry A. Nielsen, Island Press Hardcover $28 (248pp), 978-1-61091-795-7

Featuring short but detailed biographie­s, Nature’s Allies elevates past and present icons of the environmen­talist movement.

From John Muir to Wangari Muta Maati, this book covers major environmen­tal figures roughly chronologi­cally from the mid-1800s to the present day. In doing so, it initially focuses on the US but transition­s to a wider world perspectiv­e about halfway through. The ethnic and gender diversity of the subjects is a major factor in the book’s favor. Though the largest percentage of the subjects are still white Americans, this work represents a step in the direction of correcting the erasure of non-white, non-american environmen­talism from mainstream American dialogue. The message, one that Americans may not often hear, is that environmen­talism is universal and global in scope. Nature’s Allies seems targeted toward Americans, specifical­ly, and could function as a consciousn­ess-broadening tool for activists and students who are unfamiliar with the names of Billy Frank and Chico Mendes.

The book is brief in length, and some profiles are more engaging than others. Occasional­ly, as in the case of John Muir, the bios nearly become odes. Even with characters who, like Aldo Leopold, might have considered themselves pragmatic people, the author goes out of his way to highlight their idealism and moral bravery. He attempts a tricky balancing act in addressing the practical concerns faced by these eight individual­s while at the same time focusing on their environmen­tal pursuits—all in under three hundred pages—and if he occasional­ly tips into enthusiasm or glosses over a rough patch, that may be forgivable. Regardless, the notes are thorough and include a bevy of references for follow-up.

Students would take well to Nature’s Allies, especially teenagers and college freshmen considerin­g entry into environmen­tal studies. It could also function well as a popular introducti­on to environmen­tal heroes who aren’t necessaril­y household names, including Ding Darling and Gro Harlem Brundtland.

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