Foreword Reviews

Beyond Colorblind: Redeeming Our Ethnic Journey

Sarah Shin


Intervarsi­ty Press (NOVEMBER) Softcover $16 (208pp) 978-0-8308-4515-6

Beyond Colorblind explores how religious communitie­s can create spaces where ethnic identity is not just respected, but celebrated.

Sarah Shin’s Beyond Colorblind is a needed exploratio­n of how to talk about race in America, urging Christians to move beyond simple political correctnes­s towards building wholeheart­ed, diverse communitie­s.

Shin argues that race should not be ignored; instead, people should embrace a more complex ethnic awareness and really see their neighbors as they are. Colorblind explores cultural minefields around race, using classic Christian theology, practical applicatio­n, and a twist on gospel assertions that, in Jesus, ethnic lines lose their meaning. Referencin­g the Japanese practice of

kintsukuro­i, or golden repair—through which highlighte­d cracks make broken pots more beautiful, not less—shin argues that “cracks,” or difference­s, in human relationsh­ips are the most freeing; they are where people can find common ground. Really accepting one’s own identity means becoming better suited to building bridges and understand­ing other people’s humanity. Such work involves listening, confessing faults, and sharing any tears that result.

The book is filled with difficult stories about people struggling to come to grips with their ethnic identities, particular­ly as they relate to faith. It shows preachers asking for forgivenes­s, people sharing their painful experience­s, and others simply struggling to understand where to stand in the difficult arena of American racial awareness. These stories are presented as a means of driving more thoughtful conversati­ons, and they are offered along with study guides and group exercises to help facilitate discussion­s.

The book’s second half forwards practical suggestion­s for how to live with this new understand­ing of ethnic identity; it focuses on developing skills to build new communitie­s, including offering prophetic witness, intentiona­l hospitalit­y, and good listening.

Beyond Colorblind explores how religious communitie­s can create spaces where ethnic identity is not just respected, but celebrated for the richness it offers.

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