Fort Bragg Advocate-News

A hole in one!


Monday, April 4th Chong Mejias achieved her first-ever hole-in-one. Chong teed up on hole 11 the back nine on hole 2 and hit a driver straight and true. The ball landed off green bounced on and rolled into the hole. An ace! Congratula­tions Chong now you’re ready for more. Chong stated she was very excited to get the ace. The odds of an amateur golfer getting a holein-one are 12,000 to 1 and only 14 percent of golfers hit a second hole-in-one and only 9 percent sink the third one. Several local golfers have more than one. I believe Butch Carlstadt has either five or six and the golf notes guy has five. I bet you are looking forward to your next one Chong.

Watching the Masters over the weekend all the golfers address the ball with their hands hung directly under their chin. This is obviously the correct stance. Observing these profession­al golfers swing from this position it is very apparent that this is the most effortless and direct route from address to the backswing and to hitting the ball. Bumping into Pro Shop manager

Kathy Shepley I asked her if her hands were under her chin at the address? She stopped took her stance and noticed yes, they are, and said, “All I can do is try my best.” Jim McDannold and I were the same days observing a golfer on the driving range addressing the ball with hands way forward of his chin. He repeatedly hit the ball to the right and left. Hands under the chinny chin chin.

Double bogies on the last hole? Jim Howarth recently saved his team first place in the recent

St. Patty’s Day scramble by sinking a 15-foot putt for a double bogie on the last hole and Scottie Scheffler hung on to his 2022 Masters Tournament win even though he double-bogeyed the last hole. Scottie Scheffler approached the last hole 12 under par and finished 10 under. Jim’s team was 9 under par going into the last hole and finished 7 under par. Golf is rewarding and humbling.

Dave Minor’s swing thought of the week is,

“hit down on the ball in order to hit it up.” So true. To the non-golfer hitting it down to make it go up might not make sense. When you hit down on the ball the slanted clubface does the work of hitting the ball in the air. Nice tip Dave I’m going to do it.

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