GA Voice

Mike Pence’s anti-LGBT record



Was anyone really surprised that Donald Trump picked Indiana Governor Mike Pence as his co-captain for the most terrifying boat ride since the Titanic?

Pence may be best known for signing Indiana’s “just say no to gays” law, the intention of which was to give anti-gay bigots free reign to discrimina­te against LGBT people so long as their discrimina­tion stemmed from a deeply held religious belief. In other words, if a baker doesn’t want to make a cake for some kind of homo wedding he just needs to point out that “God hates fags” and he’s in the clear. As God intended.

Ah, but Pence’s anti-gay record is much longer than just some silly little discrimina­tion law that brought scorn heaped upon his state and resulted in a loss of millions of dollars. In 2006 as a senator, Pence supported amending the U.S. Constituti­on to ban marriage equality. He said letting same-sex couples marry would bring upon “societal collapse.” Clearly he was foreshadow­ing a Trump-Pence presidenti­al run.

He was also against the Employment NonDiscrim­ination Act, claiming in 2007, “By extending the reach of federal law to cover sexual orientatio­n, employment discrimina­tion protection­s, in effect, can wage war on the free exercise of religion in the workplace.” Because, you know, protecting LGBT people from discrimina­tion is totally comparable to the horrors of war.

And speaking of war, Pence didn’t want any homos in the military because they would try to touch other privates’ privates.

Oh, and speaking of the uncontroll­able sexual perversion­s of gays, Pence thought that money for HIV/AIDS would be much better spent on anti-gay conversion therapy. Because if you stop all those gays from being gay it’ll stop this gay disease.

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Mike Pence

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