GA Voice

My Obsession with Christmas Music

- Patrick Colson-Price

I’m sure many people reading this will relate to my obsession with Christmas music. If I could (which I can), I’d play it all year long, but “Let It Snow” just wouldn’t sound right during the peak of summer in Atlanta. Why do I long for Christmas music every day of the year? You know, that warm and fuzzy feeling you get when the temperatur­e drops below 50 degrees and the leaves begin to fall to the ground, and you start seeing holiday commercial­s urging you to buy the newest car or phone. Honestly, the holidays have gotten so jumbled up.

It takes me back to my childhood when Christmas music wasn’t as accessible as it is today. I’d wait all year long for the day after Thanksgivi­ng when the radio waves would sing the tunes of winter. Mariah Carey’s “All I Want For Christmas Is You” would take me away into a dancing fit as my mini Christmas tree would light up my room in different colors. It was truly one of the most magical memories of my childhood. I even remember placing my boom box CD-player by my bedside on Christmas Eve as I lay in bed waiting for Santa to come visit our home. On repeat was Kenny G’s “Miracles” holiday album. What felt like an eternity later, I’d wake up and run into the living room to see the bounty that Santa had left me and my sisters.

Nothing can erase the feelings the holiday season gave us as kids. I think it’s what keeps our holiday spirit alive and well all of these years later. Think about it … we as adults don’t believe in Santa Claus anymore (bless your heart if you still do) which makes the holiday seem a little less magical in a way. You know, the excitement you get from believing that Santa would come down the chimney and gift you with the must-have toys of the season while riding around the world in a sleigh pulled by magical reindeer!

From the Christmas lights to Christmas music, it all takes us back to our time as children, a time that seemed less chaotic and more joyful. The biggest dilemma we had was making sure we circled all of the toys we wanted in the handfuls of catalogs, so Santa would know what we wanted. In the background, Bing Crosby and Mannheim Steamrolle­r would set the mood for a successful wish list creation all before we started back on our weekly homework assignment­s.

To this day, I get crazy looks when I roll up to a stoplight with my windows down as I blare Christmas music from my car speakers! Yes, I know it’s July or September, but in moments of despair or when I feel like I’m longing for something to believe in, I revert back to my childhood when believing in something magical seemed so easy, even though there was no proof in what we know doesn’t exist today.

So as you assemble your Christmas trees, hang up your holiday decoration­s, and put on your favorite Christmas tunes and movies, keep in mind the childhood that created your love for the holidays! Don’t let today’s societal greed distract you from that once magical feeling you had as you opened up a gift from a rosy red-cheeked character that you thought would live on forever in your dreams!

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