Girls' World

Tasty Treats!


Doughnut Bar: Set up a table with a bunch of glazed doughnuts. Then, have bowls of vanilla and chocolate icing that your friends can spread onto their doughnuts. Make sure to have bowls containing fun toppings that can be sprinkled over the icing!

Milk Station: Serve glasses of cold milk to go along with all the doughnuts you girls will be eating!

Pineapple Rings: Have an adult cut several round pineapple slices so they resemble doughnuts!

Jelly Doughnut Bagel Sandwich: Instead of using slices of bread, use bagels to make jelly sandwiches. Talk about delicious!

Munchkin Doughnut Kabobs: Have an adult stick bamboo skewers through four or five different flavored munchkins doughnuts to create kabobs!

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