Girls' World

Test your dolphin IQ!


1 Female dolphins are called cows, males are called bulls and young dolphins are called calves. FACT or FICTION

2 Dolphins cannot breathe through their mouths; they breathe through blowholes on the top of their heads. FACT or FICTION

3 They love to dive ! Dolphins can swim 1,000 feey deep FACT or FICTION

4 Dolphins are vegetarian­s-they only like eating seaweed. FACT or FICTION

5 While most live in the ocean different species of dolphins can live in freshwater, too! FACT or FICTION

6 There are arround 20 different speceis of dolphins in the world! FACT or FICTION

7 Baby dolphins are born tail first instead of head first, the way humans are born. FACT or FICTION

8 Some dolphins as can jump as high 50 feet in the air! FACT or FICTION

9 All species of dolphins are gray-blue in color. FACT or FICTION

10 Dolphins switch off only one side of their brain to keep breathing and stay alert while they're sleeping. FACT or FICTION

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