

Supporting slaughter of elephants


HE Kennedy clan’s supposedly superliber­al, bleeding-heart Commonweal­th of Massachuse­tts is helping to wipe out the wonderful African elephant!

Shocking new reports about the ongoing obliterati­on of the magnificen­t beasts due to the illegal ivory trade puts a big part of the blame on the United States — and in particular the Bay State, where there is no requiremen­t to prove the age or origin of elephant parts being sold!

Under a 2016 federal law, importing ivory is essentiall­y banned nationwide — with the exception of documented antique items more than

100 years old. Sales across state lines are also forbidden.

But Massachuse­tts’ ivory peddlers are skirting the law, helping smugglers and poachers supply braggart buyers with “real elephant tusks” to impress their ignorant friends.

According to undercover investigat­ions by the U.S. Humane Society, business is booming in Massachuse­tts for undocument­ed ivory products, including boxes, cane tops and small trinkets. There is no way, given all the publicity, folks in Kennedy country can’t be aware of the national law — and the fact that elephants are in danger of being annihilate­d.

The stats are shocking: Piggish poachers slaughter at least 100 elephants a day, and more than 100,000 were murdered for their tusks between 2010 and 2012!

Today, only 400,000 elephants roam Africa, compared with about 4 million 100 years ago, a tragedy that Humane Society CEO Kitty Block blames squarely on the illegal ivory trade.

There is no reason, other than greed, to kill the gentle giants. Pachyderms are harmless — unless threatened — eat plants and are some of the smartest critters on Earth — a lot brainier than the morons who sell and buy ivory.

In past Straight Talks, we have blasted twisted trophy hunters for their senseless slaughter of the world’s beautiful animals. But ivory poachers, sellers and buyers are much viler vermin — and like the elephants they slaughter, we must never forget!

 ??  ?? Massachuse­tts traffics in the sale of undocument­ed ivory
Massachuse­tts traffics in the sale of undocument­ed ivory

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