

Strips nieces of royal titles & sends warning to disloyal subjects


NEW King Charles is ruthlessly purging hated relatives and suspected saboteurs from the royal ranks to root out disloyalty and settle old debts!

Charles’ disgraced sex creep brother, Andrew, his detested ex-wife Sarah “Fergie” Ferguson and their daughters were the first to feel the monarch’s wrath!

Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s pal Andrew has been banished — and relegated to walking his late mother Queen Elizabeth’s corgi dogs — until his exile in the Bahamas begins later this year, palace sources say.

Fergie — who has repeatedly embarrasse­d the monarchy with sex and money scandals — got a shiv in the back when her daughters, Beatrice, 34, and Eugenie, 32, were officially stripped of their princess titles, according to a courtier, who says the girls “made the mistake of getting too close” to Charles’ renegade son, Harry, and his wife, Meghan!

“The new king is furious because Beatrice, in particular, acted as Harry and Meghan’s champion in the royal court,” spills the courtier. “Charles sees his niece as a traitor.”

But the vengeful king is “taking particular pleasure” in settling his score with Fergie, who publicly sided with his ex-wife, the late Princess Diana, during their divorce, the courtier says.

“While Charles is publicly insisting he’s taken away Eugenie and Bea’s titles and royal stipend as part of his plan to slim down the monarchy, his message is clear — if you crossed me you’re out,” says the courtier. “And that includes Harry and Meghan, who are now officially irrelevant after being formally demoted in the palace pecking order recently posted online.”

That means the California­based royal runaways are likely to lose their titles, too, and their young children, Archie and Lilibet, “will never become a prince or princess,” the courtier tattles. “It can’t be any clearer, Meghan and Harry are out — and there’s no way they’ll ever come back.”

And Charles is making sure any allies they have on the House of Windsor’s staff are also being elimisprea­d,” according to the palace insider.

“Anyone suspected of having links to the ‘saboteur’ Duke and Duchess of Sussex has been purged — along with all critics, real and imagined, of the new Queen Consort Camilla,” says another source close to the royal family. “So far, at least

Charles is getting even with Sarah Ferguson (left) for siding with Diana during their divorce, the courtier adds

100 top staffers and advisors have been given the sack and the word is more are marked for similar fates later this year.

“His Majesty is determined to stamp out all opposition to his efforts to reshape the monarchy in his image and make sure everyone understand­s Camilla’s word is law, too,” says the source. “Even his heir, Prince William, is walking on eggshells. He knows Charles’ mind is made up — and his stepmother, Camilla, is whispering wicked words in his father’s ear.

“This is only the beginning of King Charles’ reign of terror — and everyone is convinced things will only get worse!”

 ?? ?? King Charles has been ruthlessly thinning the royal ranks, including at least 100 staffers and advisors, say palace insiders
King Charles has been ruthlessly thinning the royal ranks, including at least 100 staffers and advisors, say palace insiders
 ?? ?? Any suspected critics of
Camilla are out, spies spill
Any suspected critics of Camilla are out, spies spill
 ?? ?? Andrew’s daughters, Beatrice (left) and Eugenie, have been stripped of their princess titles, says a courtier
The king is exiling disgraced brother Andrew to the Bahamas
Andrew’s daughters, Beatrice (left) and Eugenie, have been stripped of their princess titles, says a courtier The king is exiling disgraced brother Andrew to the Bahamas

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