


BODACIOUS Bette Midler has finally admitted she’s a nip/ tuck freak and sources blab the 77-year-old Divine Miss M is splurging on face fixes to look young and keep her 39-year marriage steamy!

Bette admits, “I’ve had some tailoring done on my face,” and sources snitch she’s got no plans to stop tinkering. Her puss was so frozen it barely moved before filming began on her latest flick, The Fabulous Four, co-starring

Susan Sarandon and Sissy Spacek, according to a spy.

“Bette’s obsessed. She spent a fortune to smooth out her skin with laser treatments, filler and tons and tons of Botox,” tattles the spy. “At first, she was so frozen she could hardly move her face. Luckily, it got better in time for the shoot or it could have been a total disaster.”

Bette also wants to stay young-looking for hubby Martin von Haselberg, who she wed in 1984, and “is still crazy about,” tattles a source. “She thinks he’s the most handsome man. To this day, he gives her butterflie­s. She doesn’t see anything wrong with getting some help from a surgeon.”

Celebrity plastic surgeon Dr. Robert H. Cohen, who has not treated Bette, believes the celeb “may have had some filler to plump up her face, and Botox to tighten her forehead. Her jawline is also very tight, so she could have had a surgical procedure.” He also notes the skin above her boobs is smooth, probably from laser work.

“She still has some signs of age, like rings around her neck, which help to make it look more natural,” says the doc. “She looks fantastic.”

 ?? ?? Bette, 77, admits splurging on face work — and insiders say she has no plans to stop
NOW 1980s
Bette, 77, admits splurging on face work — and insiders say she has no plans to stop NOW 1980s
 ?? ?? Midler wants to look young for Martin von Haselberg, her hubby since 1984, a spy spills
Midler wants to look young for Martin von Haselberg, her hubby since 1984, a spy spills

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