

Determined to put William’s wife in her place before king quits


ROGUE royals Harry and Meghan aren’t the only ones hating on Prince William and Kate! Palace insiders tattle King Charles’ wife, Camilla, despises the heirs to the throne and is taking every chance to dump on the pretty future queen, especially since the monarch’s illness is forcing him to abdicate!

A spy snitches Charles’ 76-year-old queen consort is “seething” over his decision to quit — which was announced at his 75th birthday celebratio­n — as well as her 41-yearold rival’s popularity.

“Camilla’s turned into the mother-in-law from hell,” says the spy. “She’s had a bellyful of Kate hogging the headlines and strutting around like this self-appointed savior of the monarchy. In public, Camilla plays nice because she has to. It wouldn’t do the monarchy any good to be openly hostile.

“But privately Camilla’s very bitchy and paranoid about Kate and undermines her whenever she can.”

Jealous Camilla didn’t even hide her distaste when Kate and William won best dressed couple in the world last month, says the source.

“Camilla was green with envy making all sorts of snide comments,” notes the insider.

“It was obvious she’s jealous. She has a huge ego, and feels she should win best dressed. Now that she’s queen she feels entitled.”

Kate reportedly was so ticked off with Camilla she made a rare choice to break custom and refused to curtsy to her at her coronation earlier this year. Kate was infuriated because Camilla shorted her on coronation tickets.

“Kate was livid because most of her family was left out,” says the source. “She

only got four seats. It was a huge insult, and the exact sort of petty thing Camilla does. Clearly it pushed Kate’s buttons.”

As GLOBE reported, the vindictive Camilla was thrilled when news broke that Kate’s parents’ party-planning business has gone belly-up. Camilla’s also determined to prevent the Middletons from receiving any royal titles before ailing Charles gives up the throne, which may come before year’s end.

“Charles expects Camilla and Kate to team up to support the monarchy during this time of transition,” says a palace courtier.

“They get good approval ratings together and the family needs all the positive PR it can get before William succeeds his father.

“So the women have no choice but to go along with it. But you can see how stiff they are whenever they have to do anything together.

“Fact is, Camilla can’t stand Kate and makes sure everyone knows it. Kate can’t really retaliate, and has to grin and bear it.

“Talk about the mother-inlaw from hell.”

 ?? ?? Camilla is paranoid about future queen Kate and is trying to undermine her, insiders spill
Camilla is paranoid about future queen Kate and is trying to undermine her, insiders spill
 ?? ?? Ailing King Charles may give up the throne before year’s end, royal observers say
Ailing King Charles may give up the throne before year’s end, royal observers say
 ?? ?? Kate refused to curtsy to the king’s wife at their coronation
Kate refused to curtsy to the king’s wife at their coronation
 ?? ?? Camilla wants to prevent Kate’s parents, Carole and Michael Middleton, from receiving royal titles, says a courtier
Camilla wants to prevent Kate’s parents, Carole and Michael Middleton, from receiving royal titles, says a courtier
 ?? ?? The royal family needs to put on a good front before Prince William succeeds his father, according to insiders
The royal family needs to put on a good front before Prince William succeeds his father, according to insiders

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