


IS Gwyneth Paltrow really such an airhead living in a glitzy bubble that she doesn’t realize how outrageous­ly arrogant and insulting she is to regular folk?

As GLOBE reported last week, the 51-year-old Oscar-winning actress is considerin­g selling her $250 million Goop lifestyle biz and dropping out of sight.

“Money has never been my thing,” she declares. “It’s never been my driver.” Instead, she insists her motivation is artsyfarts­y, “Creating, collaborat­ing, being struck with new ideas, innovating, thinking ahead, strategy, vision, that kind of thing.”

That would sound great coming from some poor soul who battled from the gutter to the top. But she STARTED on Cloud 9! Her late dad, Bruce Paltrow, produced TV superhits The White Shadow and St. Elsewhere. Mom Blythe Danner is an accomplish­ed actress, and Gwynnie attended elite preppie school Spence in Manhattan.

Oh yeah, her godfather is Steven Spielberg! Could that be why, at only 18, “struggling unknown actress” Gwyneth nabbed the role of Young Wendy in Spielberg’s Peter Pan movie, Hook? At 22, she’s starring with boyfriend Brad Pitt in the chiller Seven and at 25, she’s nabbing an Oscar for Shakespear­e in Love, where she co-stars with another beau, Ben Affleck.

Yet last week, Gwyneth boasted: “I’ve always done independen­t films.” Yes, her “independen­t films” include A-list blockbuste­rs like Spider-Man, The Avengers and Iron Man.

Of course, poor little rich girl Gwyn also created Goop — a website that looks classy but is really a high-priced sex shop selling $66 vaginal eggs, candles that supposedly smell like an orgasm — costing $75 a pop — and a 24-karat gold dildo for $15,000!

We’re not saying Gwyneth hasn’t worked hard or doesn’t have talent, but she didn’t have to battle to get her foot in the door — she was already living in the house!

That’s why her statement “money has never been my thing” is either stupid, an outright lie or the honest claim of a bubblehead who has no idea what the real world is like.

Of course money’s not important to her — she’s had oodles of it since birth!

That’s why she can focus on “creating” and “innovating,” because she never needed to worry about getting top jobs or earn cash to pay the rent or put food on the table.

So until she’s walked in the shoes of regular struggling folk, this pampered, ditzy dame needs to keep her yap shut!

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 ?? ?? Her Goop site sells $75 candles, among other pricey sex stuff
Her Goop site sells $75 candles, among other pricey sex stuff
 ?? ?? Gwyneth’s late producer dad, Bruce, and actress mom, Blythe Danner
Gwyneth’s late producer dad, Bruce, and actress mom, Blythe Danner

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