


MANY experts believe COVID was developed in a Chinese bioweapons lab where it accidental­ly leaked out to infect the world, and now a bombshell report reveals similar blunders — that could have spread dangerous diseases across the U.S. — have been covered up at a Colorado facility. Chilling files reveal 50 safety errors — including workers who were bitten by a COVIDcarry­ing hamster, getting smeared in blood from tuberculos­is-infected rats and being scratched by cats with rabies — occurred at a government-funded lab at Colorado State University from 2020 to 2023.

Just as scary, a worker was bitten by a bat infected with a COVID-like virus while putting the critter back in its cage in 2022!

The series of bungles involving disease-infected critters at the taxpayerfu­nded site was uncovered and revealed by the White Coat Waste Project through the Freedom of Informatio­n Act. Rutgers University genetics professor Dr. Bryce Nickels, co-founder of the nonprofit Biosafety Now, was alarmed by the cover-up, saying, “Dozens of laboratory accidents at CSU have become known only because of a public records request. This is ridiculous, and once again underscore­s a disturbing lack of transparen­cy. Irrespecti­ve of their funding sources, researcher­s have an ethical obligation to report any lab accidents that could pose risks to the public.”

In a statement, CSU says, “In instances when we have something that occurs outside of normal protocols, we immediatel­y self-report and take immediate actions to address it.”

Meanwhile, the university has plans to build a new bat lab this year where scientists will use the creatures as subjects to test out dangerous diseases.

 ?? ?? A government-funded facility at Colorado State University hid 50 safety blunders, experts say
A government-funded facility at Colorado State University hid 50 safety blunders, experts say
 ?? ?? Workers were endangered by TB-infected rodents, files reveal
Workers were endangered by TB-infected rodents, files reveal
 ?? ?? Dr. Bryce
Dr. Bryce Nickels

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