Greenwich Time (Sunday)

From rugged individual­ism to interconne­ction

- Jacqueline Smith is a Hearst Connecticu­t columnist and the editorial page editor of The News-Times in Danbury and The Norwalk Hour. Email jsmith@hearstmedi­

Forced to be apart, we have become closer.

That is the paradox of the pandemic.

The stayat-home mantra since mid-March has altered views on relationsh­ips in ways that could define a generation. Removed from the daily distractio­ns and reduced to the elemental — Will I get the virus? Will I die? — we’ve realized in a new light the importance of our families, our friends, and our communitie­s. We need these connection­s more than we need the latest fashion or the newest gadgets.

Shouldn’t we have known this? Of course. And buried somewhere inside we did. But the once-in-a-lifetime (we hope) event of a global pandemic has brought the knowledge to the forefront, much like a ray of sun piercing through a cloud cover.

If we are fortunate, we are sheltering with family. Perhaps with a spouse or significan­t other; perhaps children, young or grown; perhaps grandparen­ts. We become dependent upon each other as never before.

We worry every day about the loved ones the quarantine keeps us apart from, the grandchild we can’t hug, the elderly parent we can’t visit. But technology enables connection.

We can FaceTime with that grandchild or parent and bestow virtual kisses. I’ve read short stories, “Five Little Monkeys” being a favorite, to my 18-month-old grandson via a Facebook Portal device. His grandfathe­r, sitting next to me, finds versions of Bruce Springstee­n singing “Erie Canal” to show him. Gabe, the toddler, always wants more. We hear his new words of the day, though we can’t be in the same room. We text the teenage grandsons, home from school and college, unable to be part of sports teams for the first time.

Virtual cocktail times bring friends together. We toasted friends in Florida not long ago and enjoyed lively conversati­on back and forth for an hour. Saying good-bye, until we meet again, was a poignant affirmatio­n of our long friendship.

Friends play virtual games across the distance and share uplifting or funny videos. Not all involve cats.

You see this need to connect, especially while apart, spread to the community. We look out for each other’s health, by wearing masks and keeping six-feet distance.

The identity of rugged individual­ism on which this country is built is growing up. We keep our “can do” spirit, but value most the heart.

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