Greenwich Time (Sunday)

Abortion foes push to narrow ‘life of mother’ exceptions

- By Ariana Eunjung Cha and Emily Wax-Thibodeaux

The pregnant woman was bleeding heavily by the time she arrived at the hospital.

Maria Phillis, an obstetrici­an/ gynecologi­st, and other doctors on duty at the Cleveland medical facility transfused her with bags of blood, but her condition deteriorat­ed rapidly. It wasn't long before the mother faced an awful choice: Her placenta, a part of the womb, had attached in the wrong place, wreaking havoc in her body. But the baby was far too young to survive on its own.

The pregnancy was terminated to save the woman's life — an outcome painful for all involved. “This was a very desired pregnancy,” Phillis said.

Now Phillis replays the recent medical crisis in her head, wondering about the implicatio­ns in a world where Roe v. Wade is overturned and abortion becomes illegal in her home state of Ohio. State lawmakers are weighing a bill to make performing the procedure a fourth-degree felony. Might she be charged with a crime for providing care she believes is moral and necessary?

Terminatin­g a pregnancy to save a mother's life has long been accepted as a moral imperative by those on both sides of the abortion debate. For decades, jurisdicti­ons that restricted the procedure granted wide leeway to doctors to make exceptions for medical necessity. But now, with the U.S. Supreme Court potentiall­y moving to overturn Roe, the landmark ruling affirming the right to abortion nationwide, emboldened conservati­ves in some states are pushing to narrow and in some cases eliminate such exceptions, arguing that they create loopholes that are easily exploited. Doctors say such restrictio­ns will complicate medical decisions for pregnant women, increasing the risk of death in a country that already has the highest rates of maternal mortality in the industrial­ized world.

Idaho Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin on Monday called for a special legislativ­e session to remove most exceptions from that state's “trigger law” banning abortion. In Georgia, Pennsylvan­ia and Wisconsin, leading Republican gubernator­ial candidates have teamed up with antiaborti­on groups to push bans that would not allow the procedure even if the mother's health is endangered. In some states, exceptions for the “life of the mother,” rather than the “health of the mother” have been written into trigger laws or proposed measures, significan­tly limiting the scope of when they can be used.

“What we are calling for is a total ban, no exceptions,” Matt Sande, legislativ­e director of ProLife Wisconsin, said in an interview. “We don't think abortion is ever necessary to save the life of the mother.”

That rhetoric might be more uncompromi­sing than what some antiaborti­on advocates actually envision. Even those who support removing most if not all exceptions say that doctors would be able to intervene to save the lives of women in life-or-death situations without being prosecuted. They make a distinctio­n between the death of a fetus that is a consequenc­e of such lifesaving measures, and what they consider intentiona­l killing of the fetus by abortion. McGeachin herself acknowledg­ed “rare medical emergencie­s in which it may be impossible to save the life of both the mother and the child” and that “a difficult decision may have to be made.”

But the reality of medical practice is complex and judgments must sometimes be made quickly. Even in states where exceptions are written into law, there is ambiguity about which decisions might be allowed and which might cross the line. The language of exceptions to abortion bans fall on a spectrum, ranging from the narrow “life of the mother” to the more encompassi­ng “health of the mother.” Some states lay out the criteria that judges should use to weigh defenses by doctors who perform what they deem medically necessary abortions, or include caveats that recognize the complex nature of medicine.

But others contain only minimal language about when exceptions might be permitted, which doctors fear could open them to liability and even criminal prosecutio­n. Under the new trigger laws, which would take effect if Roe is overturned, some states would impose criminal penalties of $100,000 and prison sentences of 10 years of more for violations.

Stacy Beck, who specialize­s in high-risk pregnancie­s at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, wondered whether a woman with late-stage cancer who would have to cease treatments because of her pregnancy would be seen as an exception under some of the more restrictiv­e laws. Or would doctors have to be doing chest compressio­ns on a woman in cardiac arrest for the exceptions to apply? How might judges regard mental health reasons for abortions?

Getting rid of or narrowing the medical exceptions to abortion laws, Beck said, amounts to “stripping women of access to medical care.” She noted that maternal mortality disproport­ionately impacts women of color, with Black women three times more likely to die from pregnancy-related causes than those who are White.

“These necessary terminatio­ns are rare,” she said, “but without them we are going to see maternal mortality go up.”

Even in the young and healthy, pregnancy is a dangerous state. It often takes previously existing but not always detectable conditions — including heart disease, high blood pressure and kidney dysfunctio­n — and blows them up.

Life-threatenin­g complicati­ons are not uncommon, including a woman's water breaking early, which could lead to infection or even sepsis. In recent years, the incidence of a condition known as preeclamps­ia, which typically occurs midway through pregnancy and can lead to spiking blood pressure and protein in urine, has climbed for unknown reasons and is estimated to cause more than 70,000 maternal deaths and 50,000 fetal deaths worldwide each year.

Phillis, who worked as an attorney before going into medicine and is vice chair of the American College of Obstetrici­ans and Gynecologi­sts' junior fellow college advisory council, said one of the things that is tricky about caring for pregnant women is that so many bodily systems are impacted.

“There's not one button that says, ‘This one thing is threatenin­g a woman's life,'” she said. “A lot of it is a slow decline, and at what point is a physician empowered to say that there is an emergency?”

In the years before the high court decided Roe, medical exceptions were common in states that prohibited abortion. Wendy Parmet, a professor of law and public policy at Northeaste­rn University in Boston, said “chaos doesn't even begin to describe the situation” of how exceptions were granted.

“Wealthy women and those that had influence were more able to get an abortion,” she said. “And on the other hand, those who were less privileged but whose lives were perhaps in even more jeopardy had a harder time.”

Parmet worries that states will be “opening up a can of worms” if they drop or narrow health exceptions in trigger laws banning abortion if Roe is overturned, given their different language for “life of the mother” cases. Idaho, for example, allows for an exception if a physician determines an abortion is “necessary to prevent the death of the pregnant woman.” Missouri makes an exception for a “medical emergency,” and Tennessee allows abortion if it is necessary “to prevent the death of pregnant woman or prevent serious risk of substantia­l and irreversib­le impairment of major bodily function.”

Many states would allow individual doctors to make those decisions, while others would require two to sign off.

“If there is no legalized way of abortion in these cases, many women are going to face very significan­t health problems and be desperate,” Parmet said. “And doctors are going to be put in untenable and unethical situations.”

Editors of The Lancet, a prestigiou­s medical journal, wrote this week that if the U.S. Supreme Court confirms its draft decision, “women will die” and Justice

Samuel Alito, who wrote the opinion that was leaked on May 2, “and his supporters will have women's blood on their hands.”

An analysis published in the journal Demography in 2021 by Amanda Jean Stevenson, a sociologis­t at the University of Colorado at Boulder, found that health disparitie­s are likely to grow even more stark if women in large swaths of the country lose the right to terminate their pregnancie­s. Stevenson projected what might happen based on existing maternal mortality rates and the additional number of pregnancie­s that would be carried to term if all abortions were denied. She found that additional deaths due to an abortion ban would increase 21% overall - but would jump 33% in Black women.

“These are the only numbers ever that caused me to burst into tears as soon as I finished them,” she said. “Thirty three percent is a really big increase in a frankly catastroph­ic rate of maternal death in the United States.”

Stevenson said these types of projection­s are important because “they let us see the future and how we can change it.”

Sande, from Pro-Life Wisconsin, which supports abortion bans with no exceptions, said he recognizes the challenges posed by such measures. But he feels strongly that laws should recognize that pregnancie­s involve two lives — not one — and that doctors should be required to put equal effort into saving both mother and fetus in medical crises.

“As long as a physician is working to save both the mom and baby, and if the baby unintentio­nally dies, that is not an abortion and that would not be prosecuted,” he said.

One example, he said, might be if a woman has cancer of the uterus and the uterus has to be removed to save her, and she loses the pregnancy as a result. Another would be an ectopic pregnancy, in which the embryo implants outside the uterus and removal of the embryo is required to save the mother's life. Since neither case involves the intentiona­l destructio­n of the fetus, he said, it would not be considered an abortion under the proposals he advocates.

“This is obviously divisive,” Sande said. “But I believe we have the most compassion­ate position.”

Antiaborti­on groups are not unified in their view of medical exceptions, with the American Associatio­n of Pro-Life Obstetrici­ans and Gynecologi­sts also supporting a narrow exception.

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