Greenwich Time (Sunday)

Drawing a line from Watergate to Jan. 6, 2021

- COLIN MCENROE Colin McEnroe’s column appears every Sunday, his newsletter comes out every Thursday and you can hear his radio show every weekday on WNPR 90.5. Email him at Sign up for his free newsletter at­oe.

Next Friday, June 17, will be the 50th anniversar­y of the Watergate burglary.

I started college three months later. My freshman counselor was a guy named Garry Trudeau. His strip “Doonesbury” was already in syndicatio­n. I had been admiring it in the Hartford Times. He somehow thought it was good idea to live in a dorm room in our entryway.

Garry probably convinced himself this would help him stay in touch with the impudent energy that informed his work, but, in reality, he bought a zoo full of nerds. Science nerds, politics nerds, comic book nerds, jazz nerds.

“Doonesbury” and Watergate were made for each other. A young satirist with a keen eye for foibles and a White House operating as a round-the-clock foible factory.

In the spring of 1973, we were invited up to Trudeau’s quarters. A sign proclaimed: “HALDEMAN ERLICHMAN DEAN KLEINDIENS­T RESIGN! COME WATCH THE PRESIDENT EXPLAIN WHY — 9 P.M. — TELEVISION AT THE COUNSELORS’ ROOM.” My friend Scott — who turned out to have been preserving our college lives with a zeal that would put many curators to shame — still has a photo of the sign, with that thrillingl­y sharp-edged lettering you’d recognize anywhere. I’m not sure Garry even knows what a lower-case letter is.

Around the same time, one of Trudeau’s strips was spiked by the Washington Post (of all places!) and several other newspapers. The strip featured Mark Slackmeyer, host of a college radio show, talking about former Nixon administra­tion Attorney General John Mitchell. In the penultimat­e panel, Mark says, “It would be a disservice to Mr. Mitchell and his character to prejudge the man, but everything known to date could lead one to conclude he’s guilty.”

The last frame found Slackmeyer looking straight out at the reader, his eyes dilated with a rabid, manic glee. “That’s guilty! Guilty, guilty, guilty!”

Too much for the Post. They lowered the boom, with an accompanyi­ng column headlined, “A Comic Strip Is Not a Court.” This was a moment when political satire was moving out of cellar comedy clubs and coffee houses and into mainstream media, but it was not yet a comfortabl­e fit. CBS had canceled “The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour” in 1969, for similar reasons.

“Guilty, guilty, guilty!” became probably the most famous single “Doonesbury” strip and the title of one of Trudeau’s collection­s. Watergate and Nixon essentiall­y strangled the very notion that led to the spiking — that whole idea of White House weasels being entitled to the benefit of the doubt.

By the time we got the tapes and absorbed the full depravity, the idea of errant pols being entitled to anything more than three hots and a cot went out the window.

The great Russell Baker wrote, “Watergate left Washington a city ravaged by honesty.”

The anniversar­y and the new hearings on Jan. 6 have dovetailed ominously. The old story is still providing a vocabulary and narrative structure for the new. Who will be the John Dean of the hearings? What will be the smoking gun?

Most of the old lessons don’t fit anymore, but one observatio­n, from Michael Schudson’s superb book “Watergate in American Memory” still looms: “Watergate was a story narrated more than an experience lived.” His point was that Americans grasp wars, high prices and gas shortages better

Nothing has changed on that front. What has changed most, of course, is the Republican party.

In 1974, the person who sealed Nixon’s fate was U.S. Sen. Barry Goldwater. Images of Goldwater in the public consciousn­ess toggled between “staunch conservati­ve” and “wildeyed missile-fondling nut.” But he had principles he wasn’t willing to trade in

for the sake of his party. If he lived today, co-presidents-in-exile Trump and Carlson would be calling him a RINO.

The same month Trudeau’s strip got spiked, Goldwater had begun complainin­g to his friends and colleagues about the stink of the scandal and, especially, the lies. Another 15 months passed before Goldwater took the long walk to the White House to tell Nixon to resign. It wasn’t the only bell tolling doom. All the Republican­s on the House Judiciary Committee favored impeachmen­t.

But Goldwater was like Shane. He’d walk alone into the gunfight and ride out of town bleeding, if that’s what it took. I guess you could say Liz Cheney does the same thing nowadays and with a hell of a lot less support from the townsfolk.

Most people can’t summarize Watergate, even those who lived through it. It was worse, more pervasive, than most people remember, but it was a Teletubbie­s episode compared to what we’re going to be looking at this week. A violent attack on the Capitol, spurred on, countenanc­ed and minimized by one political party.

One of the persistent sayings from Watergate was, “It’s not the crime; it’s the cover-up.” In the days ahead, think: “It’s not the evil-doing; it’s the excusemaki­ng.”

But it’s also the evildoing.

 ?? ?? Garry Trudeau has acknowledg­ed that the lead character of his “Doonesbury” comic strip (Mike Doonesbury) is based on himself.
Garry Trudeau has acknowledg­ed that the lead character of his “Doonesbury” comic strip (Mike Doonesbury) is based on himself.
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