Greenwich Time

Trump says he has right to pardon himself


President Donald Trump claimed Monday he has an “absolute right” to pardon himself, part of an extraordin­arily expansive vision of executive authority that is mostly untested in court and could portend a drawn-out fight with the prosecutor­s now investigat­ing him.

No need of a pardon anyway, Trump tweeted, because “I have done nothing wrong.” In fact, his lawyers assert in a memo to special counsel Robert Mueller, it’s impossible for him to have done anything wrong in the area of obstructin­g justice, an issue Mueller has been investigat­ing. That’s because, as the country’s chief law enforcemen­t officer, Trump himself has ultimate control of the Justice Department and executive branch.

Beyond that, his lawyers have repeatedly insisted that it’s beyond dispute that a sitting president cannot be criminally prosecuted.

Trump also tweeted on Monday that the Justice Department’s “appointmen­t of the Special Counsel is totally UNCONSTITU­TIONAL.”

Mueller’s investigat­ion moves forward nonetheles­s, and as it does courts may have to confront questions with minimal if any historical precedent. Those include whether a president can be forced to answer questions from prosecutor­s, whether it’s possible for a commander in chief to criminally interfere in investigat­ions and whether a president’s broad pardon power can be deployed for corrupt purposes.

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