Greenwich Time

Reviews stall bone density treatment

- Keith Roach, M.D.

Dear Dr. Roach: My wife’s doctor wants her to start Prolia shots for bone density, but the reviews I have been reading are extremely negative. She cancelled her appointmen­t to start the shots (every six months) until we get some positive feedback. She doesn’t want to deal with the horrible side effects, as some of them don’t seem to go away (reading the reviews). We are asking for different opinions, including yours.


Answer: Online reviews may be a good way of learning about buying some things, but I would caution that somebody who does fine with a medicine is not apt to write a review of it, so you are likely to see a very biased sample.

Denosumab (Prolia) is an antibody, given by injection, that prevents the formation of osteoclast­s, the cells that break down bones. By reducing bone breakdown, bones are built up, and fracture rate was reduced at three years in a clinical trial, from 7.2 percent in the placebo group to 2.3 percent in the Prolia group.

However, there are some reasons to be concerned. One is that many people (the drug has mostly been used in women) noted pain of the muscles and bones, sometimes severe. Like other osteoporos­is drugs that work this way (the bisphospho­nates), Prolia can cause lower calcium levels, and it may oversuppre­ss bone remodeling, leading to osteonecro­sis of the jaw. Atypical fractures of the femur from dense but brittle bone also are possible. When Prolia is discontinu­ed, the bone rapidly loses strength, and rebound fractures may occur, so a different treatment should probably be started soon. Prolia also interferes with the immune system, with some evidence that there may be increased infection and tumor rates among those prescribed Prolia. If that’s the case, the number seems low.

I do not use Prolia as a first-line treatment for osteoporos­is. There are other drugs (like the bisphospho­nates, such as alendronat­e and risedronat­e) with better long-term safety records. Prolia, in my opinion, is best reserved for people who cannot use other agents. Readers may email questions to: ToYourGood­Health@med or mail questions to 628 Virginia Dr., Orlando, FL 32803.

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