Greenwich Time

A foreign policy of ‘threats, fear and confusion’

- DE AM NIL F IE R ME EU D NM SO AN; Twitter: @emiliemuns­on

WASHINGTON — She was threatened and intimidate­d, but was former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitc­h also under surveillan­ce?

Congress, the State Department, Ukrainian police and reportedly the Federal Bureau of Investigat­ions are all examining the possible dangers faced by Yovanovitc­h, whose abrupt removal from Kiev by President Donald Trump was a key element of the impeachmen­t inquiry. And there are new indication­s this week that a probe by the House Foreign Affairs Committee is advancing.

Yovanovitc­h, who grew up in Kent, Conn., was a veteran diplomat when she received a call from the U.S. State Department telling her to immediatel­y return to the United States in late April 2019.

She was viewed as an impediment to Trump’s efforts to get political informatio­n on his rivals and after a series of claims from Trump associates that she was badmouthin­g the president, Yovanovitc­h was told Trump no longer wanted her to work at the U.S. embassy in Kiev, she said.

After testifying against the president in the impeachmen­t inquiry, Yovanovitc­h retired from the State Department on January 31.

In her first public appearance since her exit, Yovanovitc­h was honored with an award for Excellence in the Conduct of Diplomacy at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. Wednesday. She said the State Department “is in trouble.”

"To be blunt, an amoral, keep-'em-guessing foreign policy that substitute­s threats, fear and confusion for trust cannot work over the long haul," Yovanovitc­h said.

In January, the House Intelligen­ce Committee, that led the impeachmen­t inquiry, released text messages that raised the possibilit­y that Trump associates may have conducted physical or electronic surveillan­ce of Yovanovitc­h before she left Kiev.

The text messages exchanged by Lev Parnas and Connecticu­t congressio­nal candidate Robert Hyde include chilling details like “She under heavy protection outside Kiev,” and “They are moving her tomorrow.”

They remind us of a line from Yovanovitc­h’s testimony to Congress in October: before she left Kiev, Yovanovitc­h was warned by a Ukrainian minister, whom the president’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani contacted, that “I really needed to watch my back.”

Hyde and Parnas both deny any real surveillan­ce of the ambassador was occurring. Hyde has suggested he was just a middle-man passing on messages from a Dutch man Anthony De Caluwe, who has since sued Hyde for alleged defamation. Hyde filed his own complaint for alleged libel and slander against De Caluwe, as well as a request for a temporary restrainin­g order against De Caluwe in court in Washington, D.C. on Monday.

Hyde also filed eight other complaints that day against individual­s he said made false allegation­s against him or from whom he is seeking to get reimbursem­ent for sums of money spent at the Trump Internatio­nal Hotel in Washington.

But more importantl­y, Hyde, a Republican running in the 5th District, said this week he has shared correspond­ence exchange between himself and Parnas with the House Foreign Affairs Committee and spoken to the committee staff or members.

When asked what he gave the congressio­nal committee, Hyde told The Daily Beast: “Everything that I had between Parnas and I.”

He did not respond to multiple requests for comment from Hearst Connecticu­t Media. A spokesman for the House Foreign Affairs Committee also declined to comment.

After reading the HydeParnas

texts, chairman of the committee Rep. Eliot Engel, D-N.Y., said in a statement January 15 that he would start a probe of the matter, including requests for documents from senior State Department officials.

“The messages suggest a possible risk to Ambassador Marie Yovanovitc­h’s security in Kyiv before she was recalled from her post last year,” Engel wrote. “These threats occurred at the same time that the two men were also discussing President Trump’s efforts, through Rudy Giuliani, to smear the ambassador’s reputation.”

It’s unclear how far the House Foreign Affairs

Committee probe will go and when their findings may become public.

So far, we have no public conclusion­s from the investigat­ions other entities have undertaken. Buzz Feed News reported in late January that State Department investigat­ors interviewe­d diplomats and employees at the U.S. embassy in Ukraine to try to get to the bottom of the alleged surveillan­ce effort.

Ukrainian police also said they opened an investigat­ion into the matter in January. The Federal Bureau of Investigat­ions visited Hyde’s home and business that month.

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 ?? Susan Walsh / Associated Press ?? Former Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitc­h, who grew up in Kent, Conn., speaks at Georgetown University in Washington on Wednesday. She was awarded the 2020 J. Raymond “Jit” Trainor Award for Excellence in the Conduct of Diplomacy.
Susan Walsh / Associated Press Former Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitc­h, who grew up in Kent, Conn., speaks at Georgetown University in Washington on Wednesday. She was awarded the 2020 J. Raymond “Jit” Trainor Award for Excellence in the Conduct of Diplomacy.

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