Greenwich Time

‘Life or death,’ Murphy says of ACA vote

Trump justice could spell end of coverage for millions

- By Emilie Munson; Twitter: @emiliemuns­on

In Connecticu­t, over 100,000 residents purchase their health care through the state’s ACA Health Care Exchange and over 250,000 other low-income adults get coverage from the ACA’s expansion of Medicaid.

WASHINGTON — As they stare down the probable confirmati­on of a new conservati­ve Supreme Court justice, Democrats are surging a new message to voters heading to the polls: a vote for Republican­s is a vote against heath care.

The centerpiec­e of this message is a Supreme Court hearing on Nov. 10, just one week after the election, on the Affordable Care Act. The case brought by the Trump administra­tion’s Department of Justice and 20-GOP led states hinges on whether the Obamacare mandate that Americans obtain health insurance is constituti­onal.

U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., predicted Tuesday that if a new justice is appointed before the election in time to hear the case, the ACA is as good as dismantled and warned the court might rehear the case to allow the participat­ion of the new justice, if he or she is confirmed after the election. He spoke in apocalypti­c terms about the impact of a conservati­ve court on health care coverage during an ongoing pandemic.

“This is life or death,” he said. “That case calls for the entirety of the Affordable

Care Act to be invalidate­d which means likely overnight 25 million people losing their health care.”

Not all legal experts agree that the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg ascertains the end of the Affordable Care Act. Some scholars believe the ACA’s mandate could be severed while keeping the rest of the law in tact. If the court hears the case with eight members, it could deadlock, leaving the law in place as litigation continues.

Republican­s maintain that their push against the ACA is not about taking health care away from Americans but undoing a bad law.

“We’ve long believed that the individual mandate at the center of the Affordable Care Act is unconstitu­tional,” Vice President Mike Pence said in an interview with CBS News Tuesday. “But make no mistake about it, the President has been very clear that we’re going to make sure that any American with pre-existing conditions continues to have coverage. The President is going to take action in the weeks ahead to ensure that and we’re going to continue to take our case to Capitol Hill to pass a new health care reform that will lower the cost of health insurance without growing the size of government.”

President Donald Trump has recently teased plans to announce new health care legislatio­n before the election, but he has made such suggestion­s before and not revealed a bill.

The Democratic objective appears to be: protect the ACA and use the case and the confirmati­on battle to push Democratic and independen­t voters to the polls in the hopes of winning the White House and congressio­nal majorities. That would allow them to advance a Democratic agenda and open the slimmest chance to delay the Supreme Court confirmati­on until a Democratic Senate takes over. That narrow possibilit­y is eliminated if Trump wins a second term and Republican­s win the Senate.

“My focus is on these next days and weeks, stopping this absolutely hypocritic­al treacherou­s crush to confirm a nominee against the dying wishes of Justice Ginsburg and the will of the American people, because the American people should have their voices heard in the election, and there should be nothing done before they vote,” Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn, a Senate Judiciary member, said Monday. “The election is going to determine a lot of the answers to all these questions. And that's my second focus — making sure that there's a Democratic president, and a Democratic majority of United States Senate.”

Gayle Alberda, assistant professor of politics at Fairfield University and former GOP campaign strategist, said Democratic messaging was an attempt to put health care “back in the limelight,” after polling showed it fell behind the economy as a motivating issue — a stronger issue for Trump.

“Unless we see another surge of the virus like we saw early spring, it’s not really in the minds of voters. That kind of messaging will help remind voters not only what was accomplish­ed with the ACA, but what they could lose,” she said. “But I think it’s going to be hard.”

Over the weekend, former Vice President Joe Biden, who is challengin­g Trump and helped implement the ACA, said “health care hangs in the balance” with this election.

On Capitol Hill, Democrats are hammering this talking point. Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer, D-N.Y., said Monday: “President Trump is pursuing a lawsuit which would eliminate protection­s for more than 130 million Americans with pre-existing conditions, send drug prices soaring for seniors on Medicare and take health insurance away from tens of millions of people.” Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., said Tuesday “what’s at stake is millions and millions of lives.”

In Connecticu­t, over 100,000 residents purchase their health care through the state’s ACA Health Care Exchange and over 250,000 other low-income adults get coverage from the ACA’s expansion of Medicaid.

In 2016, Trump campaigned on repealing and placing the ACA. Republican­s, holding both chambers in Trump’s term, attempted several repeal efforts, but none of them secured enough Republican support to overturn to the Obama law.

The 2020 health care drumbeat is a resurgence of a key issue Democrats ran on in the 2018 mid-terms when they reclaimed a House majority.

Alberda cautioned that the mid-terms should be viewed more as a referendum on Trump than the strength of Democrats health care message.

 ?? Pool / Getty Images ?? Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., predicted Tuesday that if a new justice is appointed before the election, in time to hear the case, the Affordable Care Act is as good as dismantled.
Pool / Getty Images Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., predicted Tuesday that if a new justice is appointed before the election, in time to hear the case, the Affordable Care Act is as good as dismantled.

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