Greenwich Time

Conn. manufactur­er at core of revolution­ary chip in iPhones

- By Alexander Soule; 203-842-2545; @casoulman

“EUV took over 20 years to get to where it is today. That we’re here in Connecticu­t. It’s amazing the technology that is developed and the use of that technology in everyone’s lives. ... Now companies are using it in their advertisem­ents or product announceme­nts to show that they have an edge.” Bill Amalfitano, former ASML general manager

WILTON — Bill Amalfitano retired in August from the Wilton factory where, as general manager, he built up one of the largest employers in Connecticu­t, with a workforce of roughly 2,000 people now.

But Amalfitano carries an echo of ASML around — and soon will millions of people — in the mobile phone he keeps at hand.

ASML is riding a fresh wave of renown, after Apple began selling on Friday its iPhone 12 that includes a key component of Connecticu­t craftsmans­hip. The microscopi­c circuits cramming the cellphone’s small chips — approachin­g 12 billion transistor­s on each — were imprinted using lithograph­y machines made by ASML, which include parts made at the Netherland­s-based company’s big Wilton factory.

The A14 chips made for Apple by Taiwan Semiconduc­tor Manufactur­ing are produced through the “extreme ultraviole­t” process pioneered by ASML. Amalfitano sees EUV technology as the semiconduc­tor industry’s biggest breakthrou­gh perhaps since the early 1970s, when ASML predecesso­r company Perkin-Elmer introduced optical projection scanner technology in Wilton for the U.S. Air Force.

“EUV took over 20 years to get to where it is today,” Amalfitano said. “That we’re here in Connecticu­t. It’s amazing the technology that is developed and the use of that technology in everyone’s lives. ... Now companies are using it in their advertisem­ents or product announceme­nts to show that they have an edge.”

Inside machines approachin­g the size of a backyard shed, EUV focuses beams of light to print circuitry five nanometers in width on silicon wafers joggled in precise patterns by robotic arms, a scale not possible before. A sheet of paper measures roughly 100,000 nanometers in thickness.

“EUV light is something you do not find running around,” said Mike Lercel, ASML’s director of corporate strategy and marketing who lives in Redding. “The EUV tool has to be in a vacuum chamber, because the light is absorbed by anything — including just having atmosphere around it. On top of that, because the wavelength­s are so short, the optics have to be incredibly precise.”

In a June piece published by The Brookings Institutio­n, a Georgetown University research fellow likened the precision of EUV beams to nailing an apple on the moon with an arrow launched from Earth, a technologi­cal feat that has triggered controls on the U.S. export of the machines to China on security concerns. As part of last summer’s Semicon West conference held virtually, ASML received a technical award from the Semi Americas trade group for helping EUV become commercial­ly viable.

Despite ASML’s Wilton plant housing perhaps the safest environmen­t in Connecticu­t from a virus transmissi­on perspectiv­e — its massive clean-room sections are walled off from contaminan­ts and employees inside are covered headto-foot in protective suits — the company has had a few COVID-19 cases in its local workforce.

All have recovered according to George Gomba, senior director in Wilton who has overseen operations there since Amalfitano’s retirement, in addition to leading an advance prototypin­g initiative.

ASML continues to allow employees to choose whether to return to the Wilton plant or work remotely, he added, and anticipate­s ASML will maintain a work-from-home option for the immediate future and perhaps long term. ASML also kept its internship program in place through online virtual channels.

“We went to a skeleton crew in the early days of the pandemic,” Gomba said. “Growing all these applicatio­ns and being able to put all this infrastruc­ture in place to be able to accommodat­e everyone working from home, maybe even new models for society and security and so forth. It’s an enabler.”

 ?? ASML / Contribute­d photo ?? A stock ASML image showing its NXE3400 machine exposing a wafer for circuit imprints during manufactur­ing, using extreme ultraviole­t lithograph­y techniques. Taiwan Semiconduc­tor uses EUV machines from ASML in manufactur­ing chips for the new Apple iPhone 12 mobile phone that hit the market this month.
ASML / Contribute­d photo A stock ASML image showing its NXE3400 machine exposing a wafer for circuit imprints during manufactur­ing, using extreme ultraviole­t lithograph­y techniques. Taiwan Semiconduc­tor uses EUV machines from ASML in manufactur­ing chips for the new Apple iPhone 12 mobile phone that hit the market this month.

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