Greenwich Time

Woman gets ill swan to clinic via foot, car and subway


NEW YORK — Ariel Cordova-Rojas went to New York’s Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge last week to celebrate her 30th birthday.

She ended up rescuing a swan with lead poisoning, taking it to a wildlife clinic by foot, car and subway with the help of both friends and strangers.

Cordova-Rojas is trained in identifyin­g and rescuing wildlife, the New York Times reported, having worked at the Wild Bird Fund clinic in Manhattan for five years.

She got to the Queens wildlife refuge on Nov. 5 and spotted a swan alone in the grass on the side of the water.

She approached it and saw it was unable to walk or fly. She wrapped the 17-pound bird, which she says is named Bae, in her jacket and carried it a mile to the refuge entrance, the newspaper reported.

Calls to various animal rescue services and the ranger stations yielded no immediate assistance. Then a couple with a car agreed to drive the swan and Cordova-Rojas to a nearby subway station. (The couple persuaded yet another friend with a car to help get Cardova-Rojas, her bike and the swan to a subway station.) An employee of Wild Bird Fund met them at the Nostrand station in Brooklyn and helped them get to the organizati­on’s clinic on the Upper West Side. Photos show the swan nestled in an orange jacket on a seat in a train car.

Cordova-Rojas told the Associated Press the swan was being treated for lead poisoning and with antifungal­s and antibacter­ial medication­s. She has made a friend of another swan at the clinic and is gaining strength and mobility.

 ?? Josh Spector / Associated Press ?? This Nov. 5 photo provided by Josh Spector shows Ariel Cordova-Rojas with Bae, a female mute swan, as the swan is rescued in the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge, in the Queens borough of New York.
Josh Spector / Associated Press This Nov. 5 photo provided by Josh Spector shows Ariel Cordova-Rojas with Bae, a female mute swan, as the swan is rescued in the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge, in the Queens borough of New York.

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